import/export / page 51

Dec. 10, 2012

Turkey Aims to Boost Olive Oil Exports to $3.8b in 10 Years

Olive oil producers and exporters in Turkey have set an ambitious target to increase olive oil exports twentyfold in 10 years.

Dec. 6, 2012

Council Predicts Dip in Olive Oil Consumption

The International Olive Council predicts a 5 percent drop in olive oil consumption, and a nearly 20 percent drop in production, for 2012/13.

Dec. 1, 2012

Production Up, Consumption Down in Greece

Nevermind an increase in local olive oil production, Greek consumers are being forced to find cheaper alternatives.

Nov. 5, 2012

Greece Backs Olive Oil Exports with €10M

After some encouraging results with other agricultural products, Greece will support exports of olive oil to promising markets.

Oct. 24, 2012

Spanish Producers Fear Imminent U.S. Import Restrictions

Spanish olive oil producers are up in arms over the “unfair” and “absurd” marketing order being considered in the United States Congress.

Oct. 19, 2012

The 'Butterfly Effect' in the Olive Oil Industry

The olive oil industry may be susceptible to small and seemingly irrelevant events which can eventually have chaotic consequences.

Oct. 14, 2012

In Argentina, a Push to Make Olive Oil a 'National Food'

A proposed campaign aims to boost domestic sales, stimulate production and change the perception of olive oil among Argentine consumers.

Oct. 10, 2012

World Olive Oil Output Set to Fall 20 Percent

The International Olive Council says olive oil production in 2012/13 will be about 2.75 million tons, 20 percent off last year’s all-time high.

Sep. 26, 2012

Eurozone in Crisis, Olive Oil Marketers Shift Targets

At a time when purchasing power of Europeans is shrinking. Olive oil producers here will need to do more than just brand-building.

Sep. 24, 2012

Group Wants Bank Support for Greek Olive Oil Exports

The Hellenic Commerce Confederation suggested two ways to boost and sustain olive oil exports, both of which rely on ailing banks


Sep. 17, 2012

Looking to Sell Olive Oil in Japan? Use Small Bottles

Sell your oil in small bottles and stress the health benefits. Those are among tips from Spain’s Institute of Foreign Trade (ICEX) for companies seeking a slice of the world’s third biggest economy.

Sep. 16, 2012

As Russia Joins WTO, Better Prospects for European Olive Oil

With Russia joining the World Trade Organization, circumstances will be more favorable for European Union olive oil exporters.

Sep. 12, 2012

Council Establishes Olive Oil Price 'Observatory'

Improved tracking of olive oil prices and the provision of market forecasts and analysis are among the goals for a new 'business intelligence observatory' being set up by the International Olive Council.

Sep. 11, 2012

Indian Olive Oil Market Forecast Released

A new report titled “Indian Olive Oil Market Forecast to 2017” provides information and insights for olive oil producers and exporters.

Sep. 5, 2012

Indian Government Gets Into the Olive Oil Business

An Indian government-owned edible oil brand plans to import olive oil from Italy and Spain for wide distribution at affordable prices in the Indian rural and urban markets.

Sep. 2, 2012

An Olive Oil 'Battleground'

It’s no surprise that a California bank would jump in the ring over the proposed olive oil marketing order. What’s unsettling is how fast its press release got spun into headline news.

Aug. 27, 2012

Report Forecasts Olive Oil Prospects for Spain, Italy, Greece

A report projects the largest producers will have their ups and downs towards 2020. Only Spain is expected to experience a rise in production

Aug. 13, 2012

India’s Olive Oil Imports Up By Half

India’s olive oil imports increased by 49 percent in 2011, with the lowest edible grade accounting for most of the growth.
