import/export / page 53

Sep. 17, 2012

Looking to Sell Olive Oil in Japan? Use Small Bottles

Sell your oil in small bottles and stress the health benefits. Those are among tips from Spain’s Institute of Foreign Trade (ICEX) for companies seeking a slice of the world’s third biggest economy.

Sep. 16, 2012

As Russia Joins WTO, Better Prospects for European Olive Oil

With Russia joining the World Trade Organization, circumstances will be more favorable for European Union olive oil exporters.

Sep. 12, 2012

Council Establishes Olive Oil Price 'Observatory'

Improved tracking of olive oil prices and the provision of market forecasts and analysis are among the goals for a new 'business intelligence observatory' being set up by the International Olive Council.

Jun. 7, 2012

Producer Prices Lowest Since 2009

The latest round of subsidized olive oil storage has failed to rally prices, which the International Olive Council says remain at their lowest levels since 2009.

May. 31, 2012

Olive Council: Rising Consumption Will Spur Price Recovery

The olive oil price crisis should ease with rising consumption in developing countries, the International Olive Council said today amid a world media spotlight on the issue.

May. 14, 2012

Adulteration Risk as Olive Oil Gains Ground in China

A new report on the huge potential to sell more olive oil to China also comes with a warning - opportunists there are already cashing in by selling adulterated oil.

May. 11, 2012

Council Calls Canada, Australia Olive Oil Import Trends 'Worrying'

A decline in olive oil imports into Canada and Australia is “worrying,” the International Olive Council declares in its April newsletter.

Apr. 10, 2012

Brazil Olive Oil Imports Boom, Prices Slump

Record olive oil production in Spain and booming imports into Brazil led the March market newsletter from the International Olive Council.

Mar. 2, 2012

Chile Looks for Stronger Ties with Andalusia

The South American country's burgeoning olive oil industry aims to form an alliance with Jaén and Andalusia, Spain's core olive producing region, to further expansion.

Feb. 27, 2012

Argentina's Olive Oil Production Expected to Double By 2020

Argentina's olive oil industry is expected to double by 2020 firmly establishing it among the top producers in the world.


Feb. 9, 2012

Imports Into Italy of European Olive Oil Soar

Imports into Italy of olive oil from other EU countries have soared 40 percent in the last three years to 537,503 tons in 2010/11.

Feb. 6, 2012

Bulk Oil Sector to Gather at First World Fair

The organizers of the first World Bulk Oil Exhibition (WBOE) - to be held in Madrid on April 12 and 13 - hope it will help dispel a widespread belief that bottled olive oil is always better than bulk.

Jan. 17, 2012

Price for Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil Drops to '09 Levels

The producer price for Italian olive oil returned to the levels of 2009. Imports rose in Brazil, Europe and North America, but fell in Japan and Australia, according to new data.

Jan. 6, 2012

Olive Oil Prices in Spain Extend Historic Lows at Year-End

Falling prices, decreased production and poor sales have left Spain's olive oil sector in a state of disarray, though government is working to develop reparative initiatives.

Dec. 16, 2011

Uruguayan Olive Oil Production Expected to Grow

Olive oil production in Uruguay is expected to double in the coming year, thanks to heavy investments and improved technological resources in the area.

Dec. 14, 2011

Global Olive Oil Consumption Forecast to Climb, Led by U.S., China, Brazil

World olive oil consumption will climb 3.2 percent in 2011/12, according to the Olive Council’s November newsletter.

Dec. 13, 2011

Study of Greek Olive Oil Sector Urges Producers to 'Standardize'

A new study finds weaknesses in the Greek olive oil industry and suggests ways to overcome the problems by achieving economies of scale.

Nov. 14, 2011

Council to Commission Survey of Olive Oil Promotion

The “first ever public reliable survey” will reveal the key players involved in activities promoting olive oil internationally, and what they are doing, according to the IOC tender.
