International Olive Council (IOC) / page 16

Feb. 10, 2014

World Olive Oil Imports Fall

Dismal trade data marks the start of the 2013/14 olive oil season with imports down in all the major markets, according to figures in the International Olive Council’s latest newsletter.

Jan. 10, 2014

Olive Council Investigating Taiwan’s Rejection of Pomace Oil Imports

Olive oil’s peak body is reaching out to Taiwan as the island continues to reject shipments of olive pomace oil.

Dec. 10, 2013

Olive Oil Imports Down in North America and China

Imports of olive oil and olive pomace oil fell six percent in North America this year, according to the International Olive Council.

Oct. 8, 2013

World Olive Oil Consumption Slips, Production Rebounds

Global olive oil production should bounce back to about 3 million tons this season - up a fifth on 2012/13, according to a provisional forecast from the International Olive Council (IOC).

Sep. 25, 2013

U.S. Launches Coordinated Strikes on E.U. Olive Oil Strongholds from Washington and Sacramento

It might not have been the offensive many were expecting over the past few weeks, though it was carefully targeted.

Sep. 23, 2013

Olive Council Welcomes U.S. Report, But Queries Objectivity in Parts

The IOC praised the U.S. International Trade Commission report but laments that "opinions as opposed to facts” are at times conveyed in it.

Sep. 9, 2013

Slowdown in North American Olive Oil Imports

Olive oil imports into the crucial North American market have slipped, according to the International Olive Council.

Aug. 30, 2013

Uruguay Joins International Olive Council

Uruguay has become the second South American country to join the International Olive Council following Argentina, which signed on in 2009.

Jul. 12, 2013

Olive Council Calls 'Add Some Life' Campaign a Success

The International Olive Council credited a $1.7 million promotion campaign with immediately boosting North American olive oil imports.

Jun. 13, 2013

Madrid Workshop Defines International Study on Olive Oil Fraud Detection

An international research project on olive oil authentication will be funded by the European Union.


Jun. 7, 2013

U.S. Continues to Dominate World Olive Oil Imports

The United States took in 40 percent of global olive oil imports in the first six months of this season, according to recent IOC figures.

May. 29, 2013

Olive Council to Probe Discrepancy in Import Data for India

The International Olive Council is investigating why its data differs from Indian Olive Association figures.

May. 13, 2013

Growing Thirst for Olive Oil in Japan and India

The pace with which olive oil demand is rising in Japan is outstripping even that of China, according to recent IOC figures.

May. 7, 2013

Annual Chemists' Meeting Shows Growing Interest in Olive Oil

Olive oil is getting more attention in the scientific community of oil chemists who met in Montreal last week for their annual meeting.

May. 7, 2013

Busy Year for Olive Oil Trade Group

The North American Olive Oil Association, which represents olive oil importers, had plenty to do in 2012, said its chairman, John Sessler.

May. 1, 2013

United Nations Field Reports to Improve Olive Council Forecasts

Data gathered on the ground by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization will be used for International Olive Council forecasts.

Apr. 25, 2013

Barjol 'Confident' Council Back to Normal After Meeting Next Month

A financial clamp on the activities of olive oil’s peak body could end at the end of May when a new attempt is made to pass its budget.

Apr. 23, 2013

Experts in Olive Oil Authentication Called to Madrid Workshop

Olive oil authentication will be under the spotlight at an invitation-only scientific workshop to be held in Madrid from June 10-11.
