International Olive Council (IOC) / page 20

Nov. 28, 2012

Course Promotes Sustainable Development in Tunisia

The International University of Andalucía initiated a new course on Mediterranean olive growing in the African country of Tunisia.

Nov. 19, 2012

Common Fund Nurseries to Serve as Models for New Technologies

A new olive tree nursery project in Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Egypt is designed to increase productivity and quality.

Nov. 19, 2012

Valencian Company Wins Contract to Promote Olive Oil in Brazil

The campaign in Brazil, the world’s fifth most populous country, will be run by Grupo AGR Comunicación.

Jul. 17, 2012

Uruguay Moves to Join Olive Council

At its annual meeting the International Olive Council said Uruguay has begun the process to join the intergovernmental organization.

Jul. 12, 2012

Argentina to IOC: Campesterol Level Must Change

Argentina continued its push for a revision to the International Olive Council limit for campesterol in olive oil at the IOC Council of Members meeting in Buenos Aires.

Jun. 28, 2012

New University Courses in Portugal Focus on Olive Oil Quality, Sustainability

Three universities and the International Olive Council are collaborating in a series of courses to be held this summer in Portugal.

Jun. 19, 2012

Cioloş Unveils Plan for Ailing Olive Oil Sector

A new grade of olive oil is among changes that could spring from an action plan for Europe’s ailing olive oil sector.

Jun. 7, 2012

Producer Prices Lowest Since 2009

The latest round of subsidized olive oil storage has failed to rally prices, which the International Olive Council says remain at their lowest levels since 2009.

May. 31, 2012

Olive Council: Rising Consumption Will Spur Price Recovery

The olive oil price crisis should ease with rising consumption in developing countries, the International Olive Council said today amid a world media spotlight on the issue.

May. 22, 2012

Olive Council Seeks Bids for Promotional Work in Brazil, China

The IOC has called for tenders for the 2012/13 phases of its promotions in Brazil and China, both of which are to emphasize health benefits and quality.


May. 11, 2012

Council Calls Canada, Australia Olive Oil Import Trends 'Worrying'

A decline in olive oil imports into Canada and Australia is “worrying,” the International Olive Council declares in its April newsletter.

Apr. 17, 2012

Barjol: Without U.S., We'd Be 'Drowning in a Sea of Olives'

“There’s a need here for us all to educate consumers about why a certain price needs to be paid for this product,” the IOC director said while attending the World Bulk Oil Exhibition in Madrid.

Apr. 12, 2012

Barjol Proposes an Olive Oil Campaign in Japan

Selling olive oil's nutritional and health benefits to the Japanese is the focus of a new campaign being developed by the International Olive Council.

Apr. 10, 2012

Brazil Olive Oil Imports Boom, Prices Slump

Record olive oil production in Spain and booming imports into Brazil led the March market newsletter from the International Olive Council.

Apr. 6, 2012

Third Olive Bank in Izmir, Turkey to Help Stem Genetic Erosion

Further safeguarding olive biodiversity by setting up the world’s third olive germplasm bank - in Izmir, Turkey - is at the top of the agenda for a meeting at the Olive Council on April 13.

Apr. 2, 2012

Spanish Researchers Develop Portable 'Electronic Nose'

Spanish researchers have developed a cheap, portable ‘electronic nose’ they say has great promise for use in organoleptic testing and food quality control.

Mar. 26, 2012

Chemists' Meeting Was Members Only

It is not true that the IOC kept experts from non-IOC member countries out of the recent chemists’ meeting. The fact of the matter is that all observers were barred whether they were from IOC member or non-member countries.

Mar. 22, 2012

Council Experts Scrutinize Olive Oil Testing Methods

Experts who advise the International Olive Council on the chemical analysis of olive oil are meeting in its Madrid headquarters to discuss issues including the results of recent trials of testing methods.
