International Olive Council (IOC) / page 27

Feb. 22, 2011

Davis Olive Center Responds to IOC Criticism of Report

Researchers from the UC Davis Olive Center responded recently to criticism of last year's controversial study by a group of chemists from the International Olive Council.

Feb. 18, 2011

Olive Council Calls Proposed Aussie Standards "Barriers to Trade"

The International Olive Council issued a statement calling for the reconsideration of the proposed olive oil standards for Australia and New Zealand.

Feb. 18, 2011

Council Releases Olive Oil Market Summary

The International Olive Council released today its January summary of the world olive oil market which presented data from the last few months of 2010.

Jan. 1, 2011

International Olive Council

The International Olive Oil Council (IOOC) is an intergovernmental organization based in Madrid, Spain, with 23 member states.

Dec. 13, 2010

Council Predicts Increase in World Olive Oil Demand

In its latest estimates, the Olive Council predicts consumption will rise 3.6%, to 2.97 million tons while production will drop 2.5 percent, to 2.94 million tons.

Dec. 8, 2010

UC Davis Olive Oil Sensory Lab Earns IOC Certification

As an IOC accredited panel, the UC Davis Olive Oil Lab is an important resource for producers, retailers and importers in the assessment of olive oil quality.

Dec. 7, 2010

Australia's Modern Olives Helps Growers Find the Best Time to Harvest

The Lara, Victoria lab and advisory announced it has successfully maintained its accreditation with important certification programs.

Nov. 10, 2010

Olive Council Holds Meeting on Geographic Indications

Concerns arise over origin criteria, who confers the special designations; and once an olive oil or table olive has the designation, who protects and polices it.

Oct. 26, 2010

Recipe Contest in Brazil Promotes Spanish Olive Oil

The campaign to promote Spanish olive oil throughout Brazil is seen as a key strategic move to woo the consumer base of a country yet to be dominated by a single olive oil provider.

Oct. 25, 2010

New U.S. Olive Oil Standards in Effect Today

Producers who choose to label their product "US Extra Virgin Olive Oil" may now begin the process of having it inspected and certified by the USDA.


Oct. 22, 2010

Olive Council Chemists Issue Latest Challenge to Davis Study Claims

The IOC Cemists Group says the Davis study advocated "methods that have not been proven to have any relationship with the quality or purity of olive oils."

Oct. 11, 2010

Olive Council Predicts Increased Olive Oil Production for 2010-11

International Olive Council Executive Director Mohammed Ouhmad Sbitri said global demand for olive oil has steadily increased with production to maintain a relative equilibrium.

Sep. 25, 2010

Making Sense of Olive Oil Testing

Liliana Scarafia from California's Agbiolab provides a perspective drawn from the UC Davis Study results that may be useful for retailers and buyers seeking to reduce the risk of mislabeled olive oil.

Sep. 24, 2010

Spanish Supermarket Chain Alcampo Accused of Olive Oil Fraud

The supermarket chain will be penalized for selling adulterated olive oil under its brand name Auchan, and for "lack of the most fundamental duties of due diligence."

Aug. 24, 2010

Uruguay Inaugurates Breakthrough Lab for Olive Oil Evaluation

To ensure Uruguayan olive oil meets IOC criteria, the project will also fund a tasting panel accustomed to the sensory qualities necessary for international certification.

Aug. 13, 2010

EVOO and A-Rod: The Dawn of Olive Oil's Era of Testing

The lawsuit was announced in typical American fashion, complete with a celebrity chef. Maybe this is what it needed to come to. Nothing happens here without buzz.

Jul. 28, 2010

Cold Press: The Media Pile-On After the Davis Olive Oil Report

The Davis report's bashing of imported olive oils has enjoyed the kind of viral publicity only eye-grabbing headlines like "That Olive Oil's No Virgin" could achieve. But is it fair?

Jul. 27, 2010

IOC Weighs in on Davis Olive Oil Study

"Owing to the lack of data and the methodology applied, this study does not provide solid evidence that the oils tested do not meet US and international standards" - IOC
