International Olive Council (IOC) / page 29

Oct. 11, 2010

Olive Council Predicts Increased Olive Oil Production for 2010-11

International Olive Council Executive Director Mohammed Ouhmad Sbitri said global demand for olive oil has steadily increased with production to maintain a relative equilibrium.

Sep. 25, 2010

Making Sense of Olive Oil Testing

Liliana Scarafia from California's Agbiolab provides a perspective drawn from the UC Davis Study results that may be useful for retailers and buyers seeking to reduce the risk of mislabeled olive oil.

Sep. 24, 2010

Spanish Supermarket Chain Alcampo Accused of Olive Oil Fraud

The supermarket chain will be penalized for selling adulterated olive oil under its brand name Auchan, and for "lack of the most fundamental duties of due diligence."

Jul. 15, 2010

UC Davis Study Questioned

Questions were raised concerning the sample used to support a finding that 10 percent of the California olive oils tested failed to meet standards for extra virgin olive oil. Later, a typo was blamed for the discrepency.

Jul. 14, 2010

Report: Most Imported Extra Virgin Olive Oils Aren't Extra Virgin

Most olive oils labeled as extra virgin sourced from several California supermarkets were substandard, according to the UC Davis Olive Center.

Jul. 5, 2010

Industry Up-And-Comer Argentina to Host Olive Oil Forum

Industry leaders are eager to tap into the budding Argentinean market which is set to become a respected producer of quality olive oil.

May. 7, 2010

Californians Rejoice After USDA Revises 1948 Standards

"It’s been a long journey for us" says Patty Darragh of the California Olive Oil Council.
