Jul. 20, 2020
Study Suggests Med Diet Benefits Cardiovascular Health of Firefighters
Researchers say the results show that instruction on healthy lifestyle habits in academies could help improve physical fitness and the overall health of firefighters.
Jun. 10, 2020
Blood Test Determines Adherence to Med Diet, Cardiovascular Risk
The metabolic signature could lead to a better understanding of how the Mediterranean diet would benefit people with complex metabolic diseases and has the potential for use in personalized nutritional interventions.
Jun. 9, 2020
Med Diet Beneficial for Bowel Disease Patients, Study Suggests
Patients suffering from IBD who adhered to the Mediterranean diet for six months benefited from a decline in their body mass index and experienced lower levels of inflammation as well as less disease activity.
May. 18, 2020 Health
Mediterranean Diet Most Effective for Reducing Risk of Heart Disease, Study Finds
May. 4, 2020 Health
Mar. 31, 2020 News Briefs
Mar. 4, 2020 Health
Mediterranean Diet Changes Gut Microbiome, Improves Health in Seniors
Feb. 26, 2020 Health
Jan. 27, 2020
MedDiet May Improve Kidney Function of Transplant Recipients
Researchers at the University of Groningen found that higher adherence to the Mediterranean diet among kidney transplant patients was inversely associated with renal function decline and failure.
Jan. 2, 2020
The Mediterranean diet led the US News & World Report’s annual list for the third consecutive year.
Dec. 20, 2019
Healthy Diets Linked to Lower Risk of Hearing Loss
Researchers found that adhering to healthy eating plans, such as the Mediterranean Diet, led to a lower likelihood of mid-frequency and high-frequency hearing loss.
Nov. 7, 2019
Program in Puglia Fosters Healthy Food Choices, Sustainability
Through hands-on instruction and visits to local farms, Cinzia Rascazzo helps people live healtheir lives.
Oct. 29, 2019
Researchers Recommend MedDiet to Restore Gut Bacteria
A team at Manchester Metropolitan University in the United Kingdom are working to advance research on the Mediterranean diet and other healthy diets that promote healthy gut bacteria.
Oct. 15, 2019
Following a Mediterranean Diet Can Help Beat Depression
The study is part of a growing body of research that demonstrates how healthy eating plans have a positive impact on mental health.
Sep. 23, 2019
Italian Scientist Awarded Spoof Prize for His Research On Pizza
Silvao Gallus found that consuming pizza made with traditional ingredients protects against some chronic diseases.
Sep. 5, 2019
EVOO Absorbs Polyphenols From Veggies When Cooked Together, Study Finds
Researchers found that polyphenols are exchanged between vegetables and olive oil during the sofrito preparation, becoming more accessible and easier to absorb after this type of preparation.
Aug. 26, 2019
Following a MedDiet with EVOO Lowers Need for Medications in Diabetics
A major clinical study found that participants who followed a Mediterranean diet in which the main source of fat was extra virgin olive oil reduced the need to begin using diabetes medications by more than 20 percent compared with participants following a low-fat diet.
Aug. 23, 2019
Ready to Try the Nordic Diet? Nutritionists Suggest One Important Tweak.
The Nordic diet emphasizes eating whole grains, in-season fruits and vegetables, and fish. Adding olive oil can make the diet more flavorful and replace canola oil as the traditional cooking fat.
Aug. 22, 2019
Men's Sexual Health May Benefit From Daily Nut Consumption and MedDiet
A recent study suggests that daily nut consumption can positively affect men's sexual health. Men in this study supplemented a Western-style diet with two handfuls of nuts daily.
Aug. 19, 2019
Olive Oil is Key to Promoting Plant-Forward Diets, Report Says
The white paper, which was published by the Culinary Institute of America and the International Olive Council, also says that a shift to plant-forward diets is necessary to achieve global climate goals and promote healthy eating.
Aug. 6, 2019
107-Year-Old New Yorker Partially Attributes Longevity to Med Diet
Bronx resident Louise Signore credits the Med diet, dancing and staying single with her longevity.
Jul. 30, 2019
Study Suggests Mediterranean Diet Benefits Pregnant Women
The study showed that pregnant women following a Mediterranean diet benefited from less pregnancy-related weight gain and a lowered risk of developing gestational diabetes.
Jul. 29, 2019
New Funding for Research on Dementia and MedDiet
Researchers from Swinburne University received funding to continue investigating the links found between adhering to the Mediterranean diet and a reduced risk of dementia.