Mediterranean diet / page 15

Dec. 3, 2018

Greeks Moving Away from Med Diet, Survey Finds

The eating habits in Greece have been sharply influenced by the financial crisis and global nutritional trends.

Oct. 29, 2018

Healthy Diets Like the Mediterranean Diet Are Tied to Better Cellular Aging

Nutritious diets have a lengthening effect on chromosomal structures called telomeres, which help protect against chronic disease.

Oct. 23, 2018

Mediterranean Diet May Help Prevent Macular Degeneration

A new study found eating a diet plentiful in fruit, vegetables and fatty fish, such as the Mediterranean diet, can help protect from an eye disease that erodes central vision.

Sep. 4, 2018

New Studies Link Heart Health With Reduced Likelihood of Developing Dementia

Older adults who take care of their heart are less likely to develop dementia than people who neglect their cardiovascular health.

Jul. 20, 2018

Reduced Risk of Cardiovascular Events with Med Diet and EVOO or Nuts

A recently revised study suggested that a nutritious diet with healthy fat is more beneficial to the heart than a low-fat diet.

Jul. 16, 2018

Fat Type Might Be the Answer to Your Lack of Motivation to Exercise

Research offers insight into the role that fat consumption may have on dopamine, and on your motivation as a result.

Jul. 5, 2018

Landmark Med Diet Study Corrected After Methods Are Questioned

After some misconducted clinical trials, the study was re-evaluated and the findings were reaffirmed by its authors

Jun. 27, 2018

Mediterranean Diet Could Save U.S. Economy Billions

A new study has shown the cost-effectiveness of the Mediterranean diet.

Jun. 27, 2018

Researchers Link Elements of Med Diet to Delayed Menopause

Researchers have postulated, in the first UK study of its kind, that specific foods (namely fish and legumes) may affect the age at which women commence menopause.

Jun. 11, 2018

Med Diet May Protect Against Air Pollution

New research reveals that the Mediterranean diet may reduce the risk of dying from heart attacks, cardiovascular disease and other causes related to long-term exposure to air pollution.


Jun. 6, 2018

Arthritis Foundation Recommends Olive Oil

The Arthritis Foundation suggests olive oil along with a Mediterranean diet to help arthritis sufferers.

May. 31, 2018

Med Diet Loses Ground Where it Started

New research suggests that an 'American-style' diet is moving in, and it may be here to stay.

May. 29, 2018

Mediterranean Diet Boosts Beneficial Gut Bacteria

A study at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in North Carolina found the MedDiet Increased the beneficial bacteria in the gut by 7 percent after 30 months.

Apr. 12, 2018

Med Diet Tied to Higher Bone Mass, Muscle Density After Menopause

A study found adherence to the Mediterranean diet helps protect women from some of the harmful health consequences of menopause.

Apr. 5, 2018

MUFAs from Plant Sources May Reduce Risk of Heart Disease Death

Monounsaturated fat foods can promote longevity if they are derived from plants rather than animals a new study found.

Feb. 15, 2018

Teaching America’s Bravest Med-Style Survival

A Harvard professor urges firefighters in America to turn to a Mediterranean style of eating to avoid on-duty heart attacks.

Feb. 12, 2018

Mediterranean Diet May Improve IVF Success

A new study suggests that women who ate a diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables, fish, high-quality olive oil, whole grains and legumes and low in red meat increased their chances of getting pregnant and achieving a live birth by 65-68 percent.

Jan. 22, 2018

Mediterranean Diet May Reduce Risk of Frailty in Older Adults

New findings suggest that a diet consisting mainly of plant-based foods with low to moderate amounts of fish and poultry kept people independent and healthy as they aged.
