Mediterranean diet / page 18

Nov. 27, 2017

5 Foods That Fight Rheumatoid Arthritis

Research examining the effects of food on rheumatoid arthritis suggested the anti-inflammatory properties of olive oil and other foods in the Mediterranean diet may help minimize and prevent joint destruction.

Nov. 15, 2017

Diets Rich in Polyunsaturated Fats May Reduce Appetite

A study out of the University of Georgia suggests that regularly eating foods high in polyunsaturated fats, such as avocado, quinoa, chickpeas, salmon, walnuts and olive oil, may have an affect on your appetite.

Oct. 30, 2017

Mediterranean Diet and EVOO Reduce Incidence of Gestational Diabetes

Researchers in Madrid discover that pregnant women who add more EVOO and pistachios to their diets have healthier pregnancies and healthier babies.

Aug. 2, 2017

Small Dietary Changes Can Reduce Risk of Death

A mere 20 percent improvement in the quality of your diet may decrease the risk of death by 8 to 17 percent.

Aug. 1, 2017

EVOO a Guest of Honor at Gracie Mansion

Paola Aranci is the executive chef of Gracie Mansion, the official residence of the Mayor of New York City, Bill de Blasio. In this exclusive interview, she shared her love of cooking and her special connection to extra virgin olive oil.

Jul. 25, 2017

Chocolate Can Protect Our Brains

Cocoa beans contain high concentrations of flavanols, which are naturally-occurring compounds that can protect our brains.

Jul. 17, 2017

MUFAs May Fight Rheumatoid Arthritis

The study found that the key lies in monounsaturated fatty acids like those found in olive oil, sesame oil, nuts, seeds, avocados, and peanut butter.

Jul. 10, 2017

Parts of the Mediterranean Diet Are More Beneficial for Colorectal Health

Adherence to a combination of three components of the Mediterranean diet can reduce the risk of developing a precancerous colorectal lesion by 85 percent.

Jun. 29, 2017

Monounsaturated Fat Linked to Fatty Liver Disease

New research out of the University of California, San Francisco has found that a monounsaturated fat may be associated with fatty liver disease. The study examined the livers and fat of mice that were fed different diets.

Jun. 22, 2017

Extra Virgin Olive Oil May Prevent Alzheimer's, Study Finds

Extra virgin olive oil consumption decreases the three main characteristics displayed by the Alzheimer's disease phenotype.


Jun. 19, 2017

Red Onions Have Potent Cancer-Fighting Properties

Onion-based flavonoids are best at triggering apoptosis in abnormally dividing cells, researchers found.

Jun. 15, 2017

Pasta Not as Fattening as Previously Thought

Pasta consumption relates to slimmer bodies, a new study found.

Jun. 13, 2017

Med Diet Can Cut the Risk of Obesity Almost in Half

Spanish scientists found that adhering to the Mediterranean diet might decrease the risk of obesity by 43 percent.

May. 15, 2017

Study Says Cutting Saturated Fat Doesn't Reduce Heart Disease Risk

Researchers found that doctors' admonitions to avoid foods high in saturated fat like butter and cheese were "just plain wrong."

May. 8, 2017

Med Diet Protects Teens From Abdominal Obesity

Increased adherence to Mediterranean diet was found to be associated with decreased waist circumference in teenage boys and girls.

May. 6, 2017

Research Reveals Links Between Osteoarthritis and Animal Fat Consumption

Australian researchers have identified a link between saturated fat consumption and the likelihood of developing osteoarthritis -- the first time the relationship has directly been explored.

Apr. 18, 2017

Animal Study Finds Monounsaturated Fats in Olive Oil May Extend Life

A study that originated for another purpose discovered more evidence that the type of fat consumed rather than the quantity is a determining factor for health and longevity.

Apr. 6, 2017

Mediterranean Diet May Boost Sperm Quality

Spanish researchers find the benefits of the Mediterranean diet extend to male reproductive health.
