Nutri-Score / page 2

Mar. 8, 2022

European Parliament Recommends Adoption of Europe-Wide Food Labels

The recommendation comes from a report outlining ways in which the European Union can increase its commitment to cancer prevention.

Mar. 7, 2022

Indian Consumers Reject Nutri-Score and Other Labels

A nationwide study conducted by the All India Institute of Medical Science found warning labels to be the most effective type of front-of-pack labels.

Feb. 21, 2022

Italian Politicians Condemn Nutri-Score As Antithetical to MedDiet

Italy's foreign minister sought to promote the European adoption of Nutrinform Battery at a series of events. Nutri-Score’s founder responds that the criticism is misguided.

Nov. 29, 2021

Critics of Nutri-Score Demand Reform to Ratings of PDO and PGI Foods

Officials in France, Italy and Spain want specialty products to be treated differently than processed foods by the labeling system.

Nov. 22, 2021

Italy Ramps up Nutri-Score Criticism as Deadline for E.U. Food Labeling System Looms

The Italian Agriculture minister continued to denounce how Nutri-Score grades local specialties, while drumming up support for an alternative.

Oct. 26, 2021

Researchers Offer a Different Approach to Rating Foods

A new food rating system will allow institutions, producers and consumers to make healthier diet choices, according to a research team from Tufts University.

Oct. 19, 2021

French Cheese Association Rejects ‘Simplistic’ Nutri-Score

Producers behind France’s Roquefort cheeses said the rating system failed to take into account the health benefits of their famous product.

Oct. 6, 2021

Study: Nutri-Score Label System Does Not Discourage Olive Oil Consumption

Researchers found that the Nutri-Score label allowed consumers to correctly identify olive oil as the healthiest option among eight vegetable oils.

Oct. 1, 2021

Italian Olive Oil Exports Doubled in Last 20 Years

Italian farmers’ association Coldiretti said an increasing appetite for the Mediterranean diet was fueling exports, but warned a new labeling program could lead to setbacks.

Sep. 27, 2021

Newly-Proposed Med Index Rating Seeks to Surpass Nutri-Score and Nutrinform

A front-of-pack labeling system takes into account a food item’s macro and micro-nutrients and its social and environmental sustainability.


Sep. 20, 2021

Nutri-Score Adoption Can Help Curb Cancer Epidemic, Researchers Say

A report from the International Agency for Research on Cancer asked the European Union and other countries to urgently adopt the French-born front-of-pack labeling platform.

Jul. 20, 2021

Italy’s Largest PDO Cheese Consortia Unite to Oppose Nutri-Score

The boards of the Parmigiano Reggiano and Grana Padano PDO consortia said they both reject Nutri-Score. The label also faces new challenges in Spain.

Jul. 12, 2021

Exporters' Association of Crete Rejects Nutri-Score

The association argues that the application of Nutri-Score on the island’s olive oil and honey would be catastrophic for producers and consumers alike.

May. 13, 2021

Moroccan Study Identifies Nutri-Score As Most Effective Among Five Popular Food Labels

Researchers compared the front-of-pack label with four other standard labels and found Nutri-Score to be the best at helping local consumers make healthier food choices.

Apr. 20, 2021

Second European Parliament Committee Votes to Exclude Olive Oil From Nutri-Score

Spanish MEP Jordi Cañas pushed for the amendment calling on the European Commission to consider exempting single-ingredient food items from any pan-European labeling system.

Mar. 29, 2021

Italian Politicians, Farmers Unite to Oppose Nutri-Score

In response to a pro-Nutri-Score petition signed by hundreds of scientists, Italian politicians and farmers have united in opposing to the French labeling system while promoting its alternatives.

Mar. 17, 2021

Hundreds of Scientists Support Adoption of Nutri-Score Labeling System

Almost 300 scientists and health professionals praised the scientific basis of Nutri-Score and criticized the alternative proposals.

Feb. 17, 2021

Supporters of Nutri-Score Organize to Promote Its Adoption

Seven European countries have formed a body to promote the controversial front-of-pack label system and support research efforts.
