olive farming / page 33

Sep. 2, 2014

Rock Star Invites Tourists to Help With Olive Harvest

Sting invites tourists to his 900-acre estate and try their hand at harvesting the olives that produce the rock star's own line of extra virgin olive oil.

Jun. 9, 2014

Soil May Have Most Impact on Certain Olive Oil Phytosterol Levels

A new study shows that soil quality may impact steryl glucoside levels in olive oils more than olive cultivar or farming methods.

Mar. 29, 2014

Worldwide Study of Olive Oil Growers’ Production Costs

The true cost of producing olives for olive oil is under investigation by an IOC-appointed committee due to report by May.

Dec. 31, 2012

Pakistan to Plant 4 Million Olive Trees

Pakistan has announced plans to plant four million olive saplings in the country’s northwest province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Nov. 28, 2012

Course Promotes Sustainable Development in Tunisia

The International University of Andalucía initiated a new course on Mediterranean olive growing in the African country of Tunisia.

Oct. 11, 2012

More Organic Olive Groves in Andalusia

In 2011 there were 21 percent more organic olive groves than the previous year in the world's leading olive oil production region.

Oct. 3, 2012

Olive Oil Production on Fuerteventura Shows Early Signs of Promise

Although better known as a tourist destination, the Canary island of Fuerteventura is making its mark on the extra virgin olive oil market.

Oct. 2, 2012

Olive Cultivation Begins in Pakistan with Italy's Help

The government of Pakistan, with technical and financial help from Italy, is supporting initiatives for olive cultivation in the country.

Aug. 6, 2012

New Report Takes Pulse of EU Olive Oil Farms

The average income on olive oil farms has been on a slide and is significantly lower than the average for other farms, according to a new report.

Jan. 25, 2012

Lanzarote Promotes Ecological Olive Farming

The Canary Islands have a very limited production of olive oil. Lanzarote has decided to launch a campaign focused on promoting the introduction of ecological olive trees to save their agricultural economy.


Apr. 21, 2011

In Lucca, Biodynamic and Organic Farming Make a Bit of Magic

Giuseppe Ferrua hand-picks his olives at just the right day of the lunar cycle to maximize the amount of liquid they contain. “Some people say we’re witches.”

Mar. 24, 2011

Conference in Italy Finds Modern Lessons in Ancient Farming

At the Accademia dei Georgofili in Florence, experts focused on a very distant age to address current agricultural challenges and threats to the environment.

Sep. 28, 2010

Farming On the Edge of an Olive's Comfort Zone

You won't find much olive oil production in Italy north of the Cividale plains where Franco Diacoli says his Bianchera olives "never stop growing and developing intense flavors and aromas."
