production / page 59

Feb. 12, 2018

In Defense of 'Black Fruity'

The French association Afidol shed light on the misinterpreted taste of "black fruity" oil and the controversy behind the ancestral tradition of controlled fermentation.

Feb. 6, 2018

Olive Skills Help Rehabilitate Turkish Prisoners

In addition to pressing the olives grown on prison land, the facility also charges locals a small fee to process their olives.

Jan. 24, 2018

How Microorganisms Affect the Sensorial Qualities of Olive Oil

Yeasts are among the microorganisms present in olive oil and, depending on their enzymatic activities, they can either improve or damage the oil quality.

Nov. 8, 2017

Drought Unlikely to Affect Yield, Say Some Greek Producers

Dry conditions over the last six months in Greece have created anxiety in the olive oil industry over yield this season. Producers are reporting, however, that their production might be better than expected.

Oct. 12, 2017

World Olive Oil Production Figures for 2017 Show Mixed Results

The current season looks mediocre after heat waves and droughts affected some areas over the summer.

Sep. 18, 2017

California Olive Ranch: Defying Tradition

With a focus on technology, Gregg Kelley and his team seek to produce high-quality olive oil on a large scale.

Sep. 11, 2017

What Does the Future Hold for Pitted Olive Oils?

With more producers taking advantage of advances in milling technology, are pitted oils set to become a more common sight on store shelves or are they destined to remain a niche product?

Jul. 11, 2017

Robotic Olive Harvesters Might Be on the Horizon

Google's parent company is investing in agricultural robots that could someday be used to harvest olives.

May. 25, 2017

Olive Oil Prices to Surge Due to Drought in Mediterranean Region

Mediterranean countries including Spain, Greece, and Italy have seen a sharp fall in production due to the hot, dry conditions that have prevailed.

May. 17, 2017

Portugal's Skyrocketing Olive Oil Industry

In 2016, Portugal became the seventh largest olive oil producer and the fourth largest olive oil exporting country.


Apr. 18, 2017

WMO Confirms 2016 Was Hottest Year on Record

Carbon dioxide emissions also reached record levels, while sea temperatures rose, and many parts of the world experienced incidences of extreme weather.

Mar. 21, 2017

Ultrasound Can Improve EVOO Extraction

Researchers have developed an affordable extraction system using ultrasound that can improve quality and increase yield.

Mar. 1, 2017

Is a Perfect Storm Brewing for California's Olive Oil Industry?

Headwinds for Europe's olive oil market appear to bode well for California's growing industry.

Jan. 26, 2017

How Cold Temperatures Can Help Olive Production

Very low temperatures and snow can have positive effects on olive trees by reducing the olive fruit fly population, containing fungal diseases and aerating the soil.

Jan. 20, 2017

Project in Greece Converts Olive Cultivation Into a Climate Management Tool

For four years, the oLIVE CLIMA Project in Greece has tackled challenges posed by climate change in the Mediterranean by introducing innovative techniques to convert olive cultivation into a climate management tool.

Jan. 12, 2017

Serra da Mantiqueira: Brazil’s Pioneer EVOO Region

A couple of years before the turn of the century a handful of Brazilian farmers cleared fields and planted small areas of olive trees. The results were impressive and Serra da Mantiqueira became Brazil's new olive oil darling.

Jan. 11, 2017

Tunisian Olive Oil Production Down 55 Percent

Tunisia's drop in olive oil production is a further blow to the North African country which is already suffering an ailing economy, social unrest and security concerns.

Jan. 5, 2017

Are Olive Seeds the Next Superfood?

A Spanish olive oil manufacturer is exploring alternative uses for the products usually thrown away. As it turns out, olive seeds boast a range of healthful properties than could be used in beauty products, foods, supplements and more.
