olive oil quality / page 42

Oct. 15, 2013

Quality Seal Sought to Protect Image of Spanish Olive Oil

Supporters say a proposed quality seal will help protect Spanish olive oil from “smear campaigns" by new producer countries.

Oct. 4, 2013

Scientists Pool Expertise in Fight Against Fake Olive Oils

More than twenty of the world’s experts on olive oil verification met in Madrid to discuss olive oil fraud and possible solutions.

Jun. 13, 2013

Madrid Workshop Defines International Study on Olive Oil Fraud Detection

An international research project on olive oil authentication will be funded by the European Union.

Sep. 18, 2012

New Study Finds Some Foodservice Olive Oil 'Not Fit for Consumption'

Many restaurant and foodservice “extra virgin” olive oils are so bad, a taste panel found them unfit for human consumption, according to a new report from the UC Davis Olive Center.

Jun. 29, 2012

Olive Oil Quality Issues Raised at European Advisory Group Meeting

The importance of addressing potential contaminates in olive oil was among the issues raised at this month’s meeting of the Advisory group on Olives.

Jun. 16, 2012

The Importance of a Good Cap

In Italy, producers, chefs and restaurateurs are choosing anti-fraud bottle caps to guarantee and preserve extra virgin olive oil quality.

May. 30, 2012

Extra Virgin Vigilance in Australia

Australia’s consumer watchdog has fined a local olive oil producer for alleged mislabelling and promises more action on fake extra virgin olive oils.

May. 29, 2012

Europe's Olive Oil Label Verification Laws Not Being Used

European Commissioner for Agriculture Dacian Cioloş has promised tighter scrutiny of the truth of olive oil labels on being questioned by Olive Oil Times about seeming flaws in the current system.

May. 22, 2012

How Heat, Light and Oxygen Harm Olive Oil

A three-year study by Australian scientists confirms that oxygen, light and heat are among extra virgin olive oil’s worst enemies, and serves as a reference for calculating shelf life.

Mar. 18, 2012

American Olive Oil Producers Draft Federal Marketing Order

American olive oil producers are drafting a federal marketing order that would set higher quality standards, redefine grades and require new testing of all olive oil produced here.


Feb. 17, 2012

Olive Oil Quality: Whither the US?

January 2012 is likely to be remembered as a watershed month in the US olive oil industry. It seems that at long last, we can glimpse a light at the end of the tunnel.

Jan. 15, 2012

Food Industry Pros Attend Napa Valley Seminar on Olive Oil Quality

A sold-out seminar at the Culinary Institute of America's Greystone campus gave food buyers a better understanding of olive oil quality issues.

Dec. 13, 2011

"Extra Virginity" Book Review Has Plenty of Quips, But Misses the Point

Dwight Garner, maybe giddy from the book's title, manages a lot of zingers in his review of Tom Mueller's "Extra Virginity" for the New York Times. But Garner's ambivalence shows he just doesn't get it.

Dec. 11, 2011

French Consumer Magazine Compares Olive Oils, Finds Local Ones Better

French consumer magazine Que Chosir, gets in with the act, comparing thirty extra virgin olive oils sold in France and finding the ones made locally to be generally better (and more expensive).

Dec. 6, 2011

Critical Information for Olive Oil Decision Makers

Top olive oil experts will share insights to help distinguish good quality olive oil from bad at a January 12 conference presented by the Culinary Institute of America and the UC Davis Olive Center.

Nov. 20, 2011

New Book Accuses Council of Holding Olive Oil to 'Lowest Denominator'

In the new book, Extra Virginity, there's plenty of blame to go around for the "widespread dumbing down of olive oil quality," but author Tom Mueller reserves perhaps his most direct castigation for the International Olive Council.

Nov. 15, 2010

Good Oils Gone Bad: Recognizing Olive Oil Defects

What good olive oil tastes like and how to recognize some of the defects in an oil past its prime.
