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olive tree cultivation / page 27

Mar. 5, 2012

The Cost of Anthracnose

Calls are being made to combat the devastating olive disease anthracnose, which last season caused about €53 million ($71m) damage to the olive oil sector in Italy’s Puglia region alone.

Feb. 29, 2012

Egyptian Producer Sees More Demand for Pesticide-Free Olive Oil

Giza-based executive manager Khalil Nasrallah says the company receives far more inquiries about its pesticide-free than its certified organic ones.

Feb. 21, 2012

Innovative Study Analyzes Soil Loss in Andalusian Olive Groves

A joint study has analyzed soil loss in some olive groves in Granada planted 250 years ago in sloping areas

Dec. 15, 2011

Council Launches Seminar Series on Cultivation and Olive Oil Quality

The International Olive Council is this week hosting a seminar on olive cultivation and olive oil quality issues, the first of what it intends to be ongoing events designed to address topical issues and share expertise.

Dec. 15, 2011

Commercial Olive Cultivation Begins in India

India's western state of Rajasthan is all set to begin the commerical cultivation of olive. Large farmers in the state have shown keen inclination towards olive cultivation.

Dec. 6, 2011

Pakistan Promotes Olive Cultivation in Punjab

The government of Pakistan is promoting the cultivation of olives in selected areas of Punjab, which are suited for olive farming. A comprehensive plan for olive production has been prepared.

Nov. 28, 2011

Meeting Up with Shimon Lavee, and The One About the Holy Tree

The former IOC president says only Spain will be able to, in the long run, compete with the efficiency of the Southern Hemisphere's modern processing.

Nov. 17, 2011

After Drought, Downpours Wash Away Catalonian Harvest

Drought reduced the potential olive harvest before widespread rain washed much of it to the ground - causing the loss of up to 70 percent of production.

Oct. 31, 2011

Some Relief for Dry Andalusian Olives

After 52 days of dry skies and above-average heat, Andalusia’s wrinkly olives finally relieved their thirst last week. But welcome though it was, the rain came too late to avoid some losses in non-irrigated areas of the region.

Oct. 17, 2011

Olive Fly Adds to Andalusian Woes

Lack of rain is not the only reason forecasts of another bumper year of olive oil production are viewed cautiously in Spain – the olive fruit fly has reared its fearsome head earlier and in greater numbers.


Oct. 16, 2011

Study Recommends Olive Oil Byproduct as Organic Fertilizer

Recent studies conducted at the Universidad de Sevilla’s School of Agricultural Engineering concluded that alperujo, a sub-product of olives obtained after milling and pressing, can be reused as fertilizer in organic farming.

Sep. 26, 2011

Pakistan Makes Plans for Olive Oil Production

The government hopes to make Pakistan self-sufficient in the product of olive oil by developing olive orchard cultivation in Punjab.

Apr. 26, 2011

Seeing Green: Harvesting a New Love for EVOO in Tuscany

Was it the mix of olive varieties? The careful pruning, the coastal Tuscan environment, the organic practices? I’d say all of the above, and the fact that those olives were harvested by some very happy hands.

Mar. 3, 2011

Confronting Soil Erosion in Andalusia

Members of the olive oil industry are meeting in Jaén today to discuss measures to prevent the erosion of an estimated 80 tons of soil per hectare each year.

Nov. 9, 2010

Olive Oil from the Top of the World

In the Himalayan foothills Hartmut Bauder found a climate he calls "the opposite of Europe" and the perfect place to produce the only olive oil made in Nepal.

Oct. 28, 2010

Farmers Union Reaches Out to Uninsured Olive Growers

Only 3% of olive growers in Jaen have insured their plantations against a disaster. The other 97% would be left without recourse in the event of frost, hail and other natural hazards.
