Spain / page 24

Apr. 29, 2021

Spanish Olive Growers Replacing Century-Old Trees With Young Ones

Intensive olive farming around the world has led Spanish olive growers to cut down ancient trees to remain competitive.

Apr. 16, 2021

Olive Oil Prices Hit Two-Year High in Spain

The suspension of U.S. tariffs and global consumption outpacing production contributed to EVOO prices exceeding €3.00 for the first time in three years.

Mar. 30, 2021

U.S. and Spanish Officials Discuss Future of Tariffs, Trade

The Spanish table olive sector urged its government to make progress on removing all tariffs. The U.S. warned Spain's new digital service tax could lead to new ones.

Feb. 8, 2021

Nutri-Score Label Not Required for Spanish Olive Oil, Minister Says

The minister added that he wants to revise olive oil’s current score upward. Meanwhile, opposition grows among Italian politicians and the European food authority is getting involved.

Feb. 3, 2021

Understanding Relationship Between Fungus and Climate May Curb Costly Olive Tree Pathogen, Researchers Say

Minor temperature changes with certain rainfall patterns provide the best environment for the fungus that causes Verticillium wilt to thrive.

Jan. 15, 2021

Producers Warn of 'Incalculable Damage' in Wake of Filomena

Asaja Madrid estimates that the region's olive harvest will fall by 35 percent as a result of the blizzard.

Jan. 11, 2021

Historic Blizzard Threatens Olive Groves in Spain

Storm Filomena dropped up to 50 centimeters of snow across central and northern Spain over the weekend. Depending on how temperatures evolve over the next few days, olive groves could experience significant damage.

Jan. 11, 2021

Domestic Olive Oil Market Improves in Spain

Increasing sales at home have overshadowed a slight dip in exports in the first two months of the current crop year.

Dec. 29, 2020

Spain Seeks New Technology for Olive Oil Quality Testing

Spain’s central government is working with local authorities and members of the olive oil sector to improve olive oil testing and quality standards.

Dec. 8, 2020

Producers Seek PDO in Castile y León

The new Aceite del Tiétar PDO would cover 6,000 growers in the province of Ávila, which is responsible for the majority of production in Castile y León.


Dec. 8, 2020

Spanish Producers Join Chorus of Concerns Over Nutri-Score

With Spain set to formally introduce the controversial front-of-pack label system in the first months of 2021, producers worry Nutri-Score will only add to consumers' confusion about the health benefits of olive oil.

Dec. 2, 2020

Producers in Spain Denounce Digital Services Tax Plan

Farmers and olive oil producers fear that the tax, which will mostly affect American companies, will hinder the efforts to negotiate a resolution to existing tariffs and may lead to the imposition of more.

Dec. 1, 2020

In Spain, Some See New Opportunities for Tourism in Pandemic's Wake

2020 gave outdoor activities a newfound importance. Efforts are underway to ensure that the olive oil industry is poised to capitalize on the shift.

Nov. 11, 2020

Olive Oil Consumption in Spain Increased During State of Emergency

Olive oil consumption was 20 percent higher during the four-month-long state of alarm than it was before or after the emergency declaration, a government report found.

Nov. 10, 2020

Europe Allows Cooperatives in Spain to Regulate Supply

After years of lobbying Brussels, Spanish cooperatives will now be able to voluntarily withdraw surplus olive oil from the market.

Oct. 13, 2020

Rising Adversity in Olive Oil Sector Gives Rise to New ‘Olive Council’ in Córdoba

The Consejo del Olivar de Córdoba seeks to improve quality, promote local production and preserve the province’s rich oil culture.

Oct. 1, 2020

Demand for Extra Virgin Drives Olive Oil Sales in Spain

While demand for extra virgin rose, the appetite in Spain for the lower grades has dried up.

Sep. 22, 2020

Olive Flies in Spain Are Immune to Common Pesticide, Study Finds

Roughly 80 percent of olive fruit fly populations on the mainland have genes that confer resistance to one of the most popular pesticides.
