Spain / page 45

Mar. 17, 2016

Spanish Wine Country Celebrates its Olive Oil

World-famous wine-producing region Rioja Alavesa swaps wine glasses for olive oil tastings at its Fifth Annual Olive Oil Festival

Mar. 2, 2016

Schoolchildren Celebrate 'Andalusia Day' with Traditional Breakfast of Toast and Olive Oil

In celebration of Andalucía Day, the region distributes thousands of bottles of olive oil to schools, encouraging children to eat one of Spain’s most traditional breakfast dishes, toast with olive oil.

Jan. 19, 2016

Jaén's Olive Oil Production Falling Short of Forecast

With Andalusia 40 percent behind estimated production, ASAJA-Jaén expresses doubt about hitting the government’s forecast

Dec. 7, 2015

Harvest Will Not Recoup Low Stocks in Spain

A report by the USDA Global Agricultural Information Network estimates that production in Spain this season will not make up for the depleted stores.

Nov. 30, 2015

Low Olive Oil Reserves Cast Shadow on Spain’s Increased Production

With an estimated 400,000-ton production increase over last year, limited reserves mean inventory will only increase by an estimated 80,000 tons.

Nov. 20, 2015

San Isidro Labrador Cooperative Joins Interóleo

Andalusia’s second-largest olive oil seller incorporated its third new member in five months.

Oct. 30, 2015

Spain's 2014-2015 Production Off by Half

The Spanish government announced total production of 841,700 tons for the 2014-2015 season, down 53 percent from the year before.

Oct. 29, 2015

Farmers' Union in Jaén Calls for Official EU Production Estimates

The world’s top-producing olive region claims other countries’ lack of transparency harms Spanish producers.

Oct. 26, 2015

Spain Forecasts Production of 1.2M Tons

The world production leader said the 2015-2016 harvest should yield 1.2 million tons of olive oil.

Feb. 6, 2015

Madrid Fusión Shines Light on Spanish Olive Oil

Madrid Fusión 2015 conducted three days of creative showcases and culinary demonstrations with liberal use of extra virgin olive oil.


Dec. 8, 2014

Travel Notes: Magnificent Siurana

Priorat is what I can only describe as the most visually intense part of Siurana, and here I must try to curb my hyperbole. I doubt I will succeed.

Nov. 10, 2014

Spanish Olive Oil, Main Protagonist at Fórum Gastronómico

Mexico was the guest country but Spanish olive oil was the main protagonist at the Fórum Gastronómico hosted in Barcelona.

Oct. 22, 2014

Not Such a Mediterranean Diet for College Students in Spain

A recent study finds that most Spanish university students opt for a diet that is high in meat and dairy but low in fruits and vegetables.

Oct. 21, 2014

Dcoop Acquires Cargill’s Share of Mercaoleo

The Spanish cooperative purchased Cargill's half of a joint venture that began in 2007, taking control of Mercaoleo's huge bottling plant.

Oct. 13, 2014

Groups Work to Improve Viability of Table Olives in Andalusia

Agricultural organizations and Spain's Ministry of Agriculture are working to create a working plan to improve the struggling sector.

Oct. 13, 2014

Extra Virgin at Gastronomika

The 16th International Gastronomy Congress showcased extra virgin olive oil and its many culinary applications.

Oct. 6, 2014

Deoleo and FINUT Agree to Further Olive Oil Research

The world leader in bottled olive oil has reached an agreement with the Iberoamerican Nutrition Foundation (FINUT) to support innovation.

Sep. 25, 2014

Spanish Olive Oil Exports Surpass One Million Metric Tons

An exceptional campaign winds down with the news of yet another milestone for Spain's olive oil export sector.
