sustainability / page 34

Jul. 25, 2017

Project to Plant Acacia Trees in Tunisia Combats Desertification

The brainchild of a 29-year-old women social entrepreneur, a project in Tunisia plants acacia trees to address water scarcity and desertification.

Jul. 10, 2017

Experts Say Greenhouse Gases Must Be Tackled in Three Years

A statement launched on the eve of the G20 Summit in Hamburg warned that greenhouse gas emissions must show a significant decline by 2020 to reach the goals of the Paris Agreement.

Jun. 29, 2017

A Gold Standard Farm in Umbria Promotes Research on Sustainability and Health

Castello Monte Vibiano Vecchio won two Gold Award at NYIOOC 2017 thanks to constant research on quality and sustainability.

Apr. 13, 2017

Farmed Fish Benefit From Olive Oil in Their Diets

Olive oil-fed sea bream became the latest addition to a growing list of farm animals who have shown to benefit from a diet that includes olive byproducts.

Apr. 10, 2017

Adoption Program Saves Town, One Tree at a Time

For decades, people fled Oliete, mostly to Barcelona, and left their secular olive groves behind. In 2014, a group of young locals came up with an idea to bring their village’s forgotten resource back to life.

Mar. 29, 2017

Protesters in Puglia Clash With Police Over Removal of Olive Trees for Pipeline

The project has already been delayed by a year due to opposition from locals, who are fiercely opposed to the removal of olive trees, some of which are over 100 years old.

Feb. 20, 2017

Vatican Conference Examines a Renaissance of the Mediterranean Diet in the 21st Century

Experts met on February 14 at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences at the Vatican City to launch a debate on food values and the role and significance of the Mediterranean diet.

Jan. 31, 2017

To Reduce Food Waste, Tweak the Food Supply Chain, Researcher Says

Research from Sweden says there are certain improvement actions wholesalers, producers and retailers can take to reduce "criminally" huge food waste in Europe and its impact on the environment.

Jan. 20, 2017

Project in Greece Converts Olive Cultivation Into a Climate Management Tool

For four years, the oLIVE CLIMA Project in Greece has tackled challenges posed by climate change in the Mediterranean by introducing innovative techniques to convert olive cultivation into a climate management tool.

Jan. 11, 2017

The Trump Cards of Climate Change in Olive Cultivation

For what it's worth, climate change, at least for olive oil production, may prove a blessing in disguise.


Jan. 10, 2017

Spanish Olive Oil to Help Fight Climate Change

The Spanish olive oil sector will lead a European project that will study the control of greenhouse gasses during climate change through the calculation of the environmental footprints of olive oil tree cultivation and oil production.

Jan. 5, 2017

Are Olive Seeds the Next Superfood?

A Spanish olive oil manufacturer is exploring alternative uses for the products usually thrown away. As it turns out, olive seeds boast a range of healthful properties than could be used in beauty products, foods, supplements and more.

Dec. 19, 2016

Harvard Hosts Forum on Feeding the Planet During Climate Change

A forum at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health discussed ways to sustain at-risk food resources made vulnerable from climate change, and the impacts for populations in developing countries.

Dec. 15, 2016

Moroccan Farmers Combat Climate Change With Olive Trees and Innovation

Climate change is altering Morocco's landscape and creating serious challenges for the agricultural sector. In the Al Haouz province, resilient farmers took steps to adapt, and they have a burgeoning olive industry to show for it.

Dec. 6, 2016

Lower Output in Greece Blamed on Climate

Affected by extended heat and fly attacks, Greece's annual olive oil output is forecast to drop by 17 percent, and Italy's more than double that. Still, Greece remains a surplus country with a loyal client base and strong export potential.

Nov. 18, 2016

Sustainable Olive Oil Production Helps Mitigate Climate Change

The International Olive Council attended the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP22) to present research on sustainable olive oil production.

Oct. 17, 2016

The First Zero-Impact Olive Mill to Produce Energy

Giovanni Cassese's designed a system built by Pieralisi that might just be the first completely environmentally sustainable olive mill.

Oct. 5, 2016

Award-Winning Olive Oil Producer Thinks Weed Control Is for the Birds

A young Spanish olive oil producer has decided to try using geese as weeders in his family´s olive groves. By doing so he not only hopes to keep down undergrowth, he also strives to promote the survival of an endangered Spanish goose.
