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traditional harvesting / page 5

Jul. 23, 2018

Harvesting by Hand Leads to Lower Levels of Oxidation, Study Finds

Researchers found that olives harvested by hand and processed with the first 36 hours had lower levels of oxidation.

Jul. 19, 2018

2nd Olive Picking Championship Set for October

Teams from around the world will compete in the 2nd World Championship in Olive Picking on the Croatian island of Brač.

Feb. 27, 2018

Tunisia: Window on a Traditional Olive World

There are scant funds to assist Tunisia's rural farmers' transition to a more efficient, high-quality production. Some locals say that's just fine with them, while others look to a more prosperous future,

Apr. 24, 2017

An Afternoon With the Pruning Champion

On a beautiful spring day, we left Rome and drove up to the territory which stretches between the foothills of the Colli Albani and the edge of the Pontine Marshes.

Mar. 24, 2017

Lebanese Olive Oil: Exploring Intricacies of a Sector With Potential

Zejd EVOO illustrates Lebanese growers' perseverance in producing high-end olive oil.

Mar. 14, 2017

A Forgotten Treasure: Making Oil from Wild Olives

Francisco Villanueva and Fernando Martín produce oil from wild olives growing on the green slopes of the Sierra de las Nieves. "Professional tasters don’t know how to describe it.”

Aug. 29, 2016

Corsica Rewards Grower for Olives Picked, and Those That Fell

A Corsican olive oil producer feared for her orchards after the Xylella fastidiosa bacteria was spreading on the island, but for the third consecutive year, Fabienne Maestracci was rewarded for the quality of her work.

Apr. 7, 2015

Andalucia Journal: Pruning in Huescar

A recently sunny day brought me to an olive grove in Huescar to discover the importance of pruning olive trees.

Mar. 11, 2015

U.S. Program Provides Hand Tools to Olive Oil Producers in Lebanon

A U.S. foreign aid program in Lebanon is providing mechanized tools and training for farmers to increase the competitiveness of Lebanese olive oil abroad.

Mar. 3, 2015

Corsican Oils are 'Tree Harvested' or 'Old Style'

Corsican olive oil producers announced that their products will be labeled depending on whether the olives were picked or dropped to the ground.


Jan. 1, 2015

Traditional Olive Oil Production in Tunisia

Despite its rising place in the international ranking, Tunisian producers are still strongly tied to old traditions.

Dec. 1, 2014

A Merry 'Tonda Iblea' Harvest in Sicily

Daniele Miccione and his family had a good harvest in Buccheri, a small village in south-eastern Sicily where their award-winning Tuttotonda is born.

Nov. 20, 2014

Basilicata, Wild Olive of Southern Italy

New opportunities are coming to get to know the olive oils of Basilicata, a wild land that inspired great artists.

Nov. 17, 2014

Rome Journal: A Peek Inside the Olive Oil Mill Next Door

Small olive oil farms dot the rolling Roman hills where the love for the craft is the main ingredient in the popular local olive oil.

Jan. 31, 2013

Harvest at a Tuscan Oliveto

My father has been traveling to Italy to spend a week picking Olives in the Tuscan hilltops at an Oliveto run by a childhood friend of his.

May. 1, 2012

A New Harvester for Traditional Olive Groves

The prototype of what is hoped to be an affordable and efficient harvester for Spain’s traditional olive farms has been developed by researchers at the University of Córdoba.

Feb. 21, 2012

Innovative Study Analyzes Soil Loss in Andalusian Olive Groves

A joint study has analyzed soil loss in some olive groves in Granada planted 250 years ago in sloping areas

Apr. 17, 2011

Lack of Farm Workers in Argentina Weakens Vulnerable Olive Oil Industry

Cultivation in Cuyo is expected to grow 40 percent, but half of this green gold will never make it to store shelves. There are simply not enough workers to harvest the olives.
