Chloe Grace Moretz Keeps Skin Clear With Olive Oil

Chloe Grace Moretz swears olive oil keeps her skin looking great, and she isn't the only celebrity who believes in the magic.

Chloe Grace Moretz
By Michelle Smith
Dec. 15, 2016 15:20 UTC
Chloe Grace Moretz

Actress Chloe Grace Moretz went from grow­ing up with really bad” cys­tic acne to being the face of this fal­l’s Coach fra­grance cam­paign and hav­ing her skin deemed flaw­less” in Self. Olive oil deserves much of the credit, she revealed in an Allure inter­view.

Cystic acne is char­ac­ter­ized by large, highly vis­i­ble pim­ples that are deep, painful and often leave scars. Dealing with the con­di­tion was a long, hard, emo­tional process,” Moretz told Allure. In her quest to over­come it, she switched beauty prod­ucts, changed her diet and took Accutane, a vit­a­min A deriv­a­tive that’s pre­scribed for extreme skin prob­lems.
See Also:Olive Oil Health Benefits
These days, Moretz relies on a sim­ple and nat­ural skin cleanser. I wash my face with olive oil. I swear my skin is so much clearer because of it,” she told Allure.

Moretz isn’t the only actress who uses olive oil for top­i­cal skin care. Emma Stone told Stylecaster she has sen­si­tive skin, is aller­gic to a lot of stuff and can really only use prod­ucts with one thing in them.” So, she keeps a big bot­tle of olive oil on her sink and uses it for her face.

Celebrities are well-known for tout­ing exotic and unortho­dox beauty tricks, but oil cleans­ing is a phe­nom­e­non that’s been gain­ing pop­u­lar­ity beyond Hollywood, and many skin­care pro­fes­sion­als say it makes sense because oil attracts oil. When you apply a cleans­ing oil, it attracts impu­rity-laden oils that are already on the skin and clog­ging the pores and you can eas­ily rinse them away.

Olive oil is a great choice” for face wash because it cleans with­out strip­ping the skin’s nat­ural oils, Ava Shamban, M.D., founder of SKINxFIVE der­ma­tol­ogy cen­ter told Self. Commercial cleansers often strip away the nat­ural oils, which can dry the skin and cre­ate an imbal­ance that kicks oil pro­duc­tion into hyper-drive, caus­ing more skin prob­lems.

Olive oil is also loaded with lipids and antiox­i­dants, and has anti-inflam­ma­tory, anti-aging and nour­ish­ing prop­er­ties. One way actress Carolyn Murphy man­ages her super sen­si­tive and dry” skin is to slather olive oil onto her body, she told Into The Gloss. And when Allure asked Emily Blunt for a beauty secret, the actress revealed she soaked her face in olive oil to soften her skin.

Emma Stone

While some peo­ple praise olive oil, there aren’t any one-for-all solu­tions with skin care. Olive oil is mod­er­ately come­do­genic, mean­ing there’s some risk it could clog the pores. Therefore, using it solo on the face may not yield stel­lar results for every­one.

It may be good for those with dry skin or eczema, but I would not rec­om­mend this for patients with oily skin, acne, and those with enlarged pores or acne-prone skin,” Gary Goldenberg, M.D., med­ical direc­tor of the Dermatology Faculty Practice at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, told Self.


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