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Entries Pour in for Sixth NYIOOC

Producers overcame yet another challenging harvest season to ready their products for olive oil's biggest stage.

By Olive Oil Times Staff
Dec. 7, 2017 11:08 UTC

Olive oil pro­duc­ers from around the world are reg­is­ter­ing their brands for the sixth annual New York International Olive Oil Competition affirm­ing they were able to over­come yet another chal­leng­ing har­vest sea­son to ready their prod­ucts for olive oil’s biggest stage.

Producers are report­ing they’re pleased with the qual­ity of their oils and they’re ready for New York.- Curtis Cord, NYIOOC

We’re see­ing strong enthu­si­asm from every region,” said Curtis Cord, the NYIOOC founder and Olive Oil Times pub­lisher. Despite lower yields in some places, pro­duc­ers are report­ing they’re pleased with the qual­ity of their oils — and they’re ready for New York.”

Last year, a record 910 entries from 27 coun­tries were ana­lyzed at the four-day event — the largest olive oil com­pe­ti­tion in the world. Cord, who ear­lier this year changed the even­t’s offi­cial name to NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition, said he expected another strong show­ing for the sixth edi­tion.

In fact, at the 2017 NYIOOC there were more oils awarded than ever before — a sign that, as Cord said when announc­ing the results, efforts to make great olive oil around the world are pay­ing off — pro­duc­ers in every region have answered our call and lifted their game.”

The win­ners of the NYIOOC are pre­sented on the Best Olive Oils web­site — the pop­u­lar online guide where thou­sands search every day for highly rated brands. Cord said his team is work­ing on major enhance­ments to the guide that will expand its reach even fur­ther for NYIOOC2018. In the end, our goal is to get the win­ning brands noticed. We’re work­ing on new chan­nels and inter­faces to reach more peo­ple with these great oils,” said Cord.

Those ini­tia­tives will also expand the reach of the Best Olive Oil Marketplace (known as BOOM’), the por­tal set up by the NYIOOC where peo­ple and busi­nesses can buy the win­ning brands directly from the pro­duc­ers and mer­chants who stock them. This year, the Marketplace will also be rolled out inter­na­tion­ally in key mar­kets.

The 2018 NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition results will be unveiled at a press con­fer­ence on April 26 imme­di­ately fol­low­ing four days of analy­ses by eigh­teen of the world’s fore­most expert tasters.

Cord has appointed two new judges to the panel, Dr. Karolina Brkić Bubola from Croatia and Francisco Ataíde Pavão from Portugal who will join 16 return­ing experts. The panel will use a new, pro­pri­etary judg­ing pro­gram devel­oped by NYIOOC that Cord called the most advanced judg­ing app in exis­tence,” which elim­i­nates paper­work and makes it impos­si­ble to misiden­tify a sam­ple.

Producers and brand mar­keters can reg­is­ter entries for the 2018 NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition on the NYIOOC Producer Tools web­site. Tickets to the event go on sale in February.


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