`Check Your Oil at Chelsea Market's 'Filling Station' - Olive Oil Times
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Check Your Oil at Chelsea Market's 'Filling Station'

By Vanessa Stasio
Jan. 13, 2014 20:08 UTC

Across the U.S., olive oil spe­cialty stores are pop­ping up to the sur­prise and delight of culi­nary-minded con­sumers. In New York City, shop­pers are vis­it­ing shops like O & CO., O Live Brooklyn and The Filling Station to pur­chase gourmet olive oils, infused vine­gars, exotic salts and more.

Founded by Laura Nuter, The Filling Station is an inde­pen­dent out­post located in the high-pro­file Chelsea Market, New York’s pre­mier des­ti­na­tion for food­ies with its famous restau­rants, spe­cialty gro­cers and retail shops, and food tele­vi­sion pro­duc­tion stu­dios. Nuter is culi­nary-trained and for­merly owned a cheese and char­cu­terie shop in Brooklyn. She took an entre­pre­neur­ial leap into the busi­ness of olive oil after stum­bling upon a kitchen­ware store in Maine that also sold a selec­tion of all-nat­ural olive oils and vine­gars. She first thought the con­cept would be per­fect for her store in Brooklyn, but then real­ized it war­ranted a ded­i­cated shop of its own. Nuter and her busi­ness part­ner opened The Filling Station in August, 2010.

Filling Station olive oils on the ABC pro­gram The View.”

With its fresh, cold press extra vir­gin olive oils, spe­cialty oils, bal­samic and wine vine­gars, exotic salts, and craft beers, The Filling Station fits per­fectly within the culi­nary mecca that is Chelsea Market. From the begin­ning, Nuter was focused on sourc­ing the best-qual­ity oils in the world. Nuter and her staff, many of whom are also culi­nary-trained, work dili­gently to ensure that their prod­ucts are con­sis­tently top-qual­ity. The Filling Station team is well-edu­cated on their oils, accom­pa­ny­ing ben­e­fits and sug­ges­tions on how to use them.

The store cre­ates a true tast­ing and culi­nary expe­ri­ence for its cus­tomers, encour­ag­ing shop­pers to actively sam­ple the curated assort­ment. The Filling Station is also envi­ron­men­tally – con­scious: its wares are sold in reusable, bot­tles and jars which cus­tomers can refill with future pur­chases at a 10 per­cent dis­count. Nuter clearly con­sid­ers her company’s foot­print; the fact that every­thing can be refilled not only gives cus­tomers a rea­son to come back to the store, but also helps the planet.

The store’s unique loca­tion attracts neigh­bor­hood locals, tourists from across the globe, and city chefs and bar­tenders. Regular cus­tomers love that they have access to such high-qual­ity extra vir­gin olive oils and typ­i­cally stop in to stock up on non-infused vari­eties. Nuter has found that her loyal cus­tomers are very knowl­edge­able and well-informed about olive oil, ask­ing about fresh­ness, when the oils were pressed, and even polyphe­nols. Out-of-town vis­i­tors love the tast­ing expe­ri­ence and grav­i­tate more toward the infused oils and dark bal­samic vine­gars. They often come into the store look­ing for oils and vine­gars to pair with fresh bread, meats and veg­eta­bles pur­chased else­where in Chelsea Market.

When asked about the bur­geon­ing trend of bou­tique olive oil shops open­ing up seem­ingly every­where, Nuter likened it to the recent explod­ing inter­est in choco­late, cof­fee and craft beers. People are demand­ing higher qual­ity. They want to know where their oils come from and they want to try before they buy. Freshness, qual­ity and fla­vor are incred­i­bly impor­tant to cus­tomers.” She notes that while many of their oils, vine­gars and salts come from over­seas, the Filling Station sup­ports local pro­duc­ers when­ever pos­si­ble. Their but­ter­nut squash and pump­kin­seed oils come from nearby upstate New York.

Nuter is excited to announce that a sec­ond Manhattan loca­tion is in the works with a pro­jected open­ing date of March 2014.


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