`Gino Celletti and Pieralisi: Olive Oil Technology Made Simple - Olive Oil Times
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Gino Celletti and Pieralisi: Olive Oil Technology Made Simple

By Luciana Squadrilli
Nov. 26, 2012 12:18 UTC

In the last few years tech­nol­ogy has taken the lead in olive oil pro­duc­tion, even here in Italy where it has always been a tra­di­tional activ­ity strongly related to crafts­man­ship and fam­ily busi­ness. Modern machines and pro­cess­ing sys­tems are essen­tial to obtain­ing the best from olives, but com­pli­cated con­trap­tions and tech­s­peak could scare away pro­duc­ers.

That’s why Gruppo Pieralisi, a lead­ing com­pany for olive oil extrac­tion sys­tems, asked Dr. Gino Celletti to join their inter­na­tional team as a con­sul­tant to help com­mu­ni­cate and pop­u­lar­ize the group’s tech­no­log­i­cal devel­op­ments.

Dr. Gino Celletti con­duct­ing a work­shop at Pieralisi head­quar­ters in Jesi

Celletti is well known in the world of olive oil for tast­ing exper­tise and for his com­mu­ni­ca­tion ini­tia­tives. The cre­ator of the Monocultivar Olive Oil project, that includes tast­ing courses and exhi­bi­tions ded­i­cated to sin­gle olive vari­eties, he is also the chief judge and panel leader of the upcom­ing New York International Olive Oil Competition. With exten­sive back­ground in biol­ogy and bio­chem­istry and long expe­ri­ence as an olive oil pro­duc­tion and mar­ket­ing con­sul­tant and restau­ra­teur, there is no won­der why he was tapped by Pieralisi to han­dle the assign­ment.

Celletti will man­age the group’s com­mu­ni­ca­tion activ­i­ties, but he will also train Pieralisi staff in olive oil tast­ing and assess­ment. To help them spread the cul­ture of extra vir­gin olive oil, he imple­mented an edu­ca­tional series Master on Monocultivar Olive Oils that will involve all of the group’s employ­ees and con­sul­tants. He will soon start a world­wide train­ing pro­gram with the help of his wife Maria Santarelli, an expert taster her­self.

You need to put things in sim­ple words,” Celletti said. Pieralisi is a huge com­pany founded and run by engi­neers, that is pro­duc­ing the world’s most advanced tech­nolo­gies in the olive oil indus­try. But they needed some­one who could help pro­mote and com­mu­ni­cate all this in sim­pler ways. Average con­sumers, and some­times also the pro­duc­ers, don’t have a deep knowl­edge of the olive oil pro­duc­ing process from a tech­no­log­i­cal point of view. They want to buy, and make, the best olive oils but you have to explain how that is pos­si­ble. So we agreed on a 5‑year long agree­ment to develop a mar­ket­ing and com­mu­ni­ca­tion plan to teach their staff to taste and value olive oil, but also to explain and sell their own prod­ucts in an effec­tive way.”

One of the first steps of Celletti’s new assign­ment was the com­mu­ni­ca­tion of the DMF (multi-func­tional decanter), an up-to-date decant­ing tech­nol­ogy that gave birth to Leopard, the only two-phase decanter that can com­bine mod­ern extrac­tion tech­nol­ogy with­out the addi­tion of water with batch pro­cess­ing, thanks to the bowl dis­charg­ing device. This results in pro­duc­ing a dehy­drated husk sim­i­lar to the one com­ing from a three-phase decanter, and also sep­a­rates the pulp (“pâté”) from the husk, obtain­ing an ideal ingre­di­ent for com­post­ing or ani­mal feed­ing.

You can have many pos­i­tive effects from this,” Celletti explains. Producers will obtain intensely per­fumed and fruity olive oils, with a dis­tinc­tive bit­ter­ness and spicy taste and they will reduce water and energy con­sump­tion. But they will also able to use – or sell — the pâté in many dif­fer­ent ways, from com­post­ing to bread mak­ing, using it as a yeast-starter. They will save money on waste­water dis­posal and will be able to use the dry olive residues as eco-friendly fuel.”

Pointing out the ben­e­fits is key. You have to com­mu­ni­cate not only the fea­tures, but the advan­tages of tech­nol­ogy,” said Celletti.


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