`Girolio d’Italia at the Starting Line - Olive Oil Times
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Girolio d’Italia at the Starting Line

By Luciana Squadrilli
Sep. 29, 2011 10:09 UTC

Get ready for a two-month jour­ney across Italy to dis­cover the country’s dif­fer­ent tastes and cul­ti­vars with the newly pressed extravir­gin olive oil.

The annual edi­tion of Girolio — the relay race” of events and fes­tiv­i­ties held by the national asso­ci­a­tion Città dell’Olio (City of Oil) — will start on the 15th of October in Sicily, in the pitoresque vil­lage of Castelvetrano, and will end on the 18th of December in Trentino Alto Adige, with the tra­dional Christmas mar­kets: a spe­cial route from the far South to the extreme North of the coun­try to cel­e­brate the 150th anniver­sary of the uni­fi­ca­tion of Italy in 1861.

Seventeen legs through the sev­eral ital­ian olive-grow­ing regions will put together a cul­tural and gas­tro­nomic play­bill, show­ing every week­end in a dif­fer­ent loca­tion join­ing Città dell’Olio. The pro­gram includes culi­nary work­shops, tast­ings, enter­tain­ment and meet­ings to pro­mote and enhance one of the country’s most val­ued agri­cul­tural pro­duc­tions: extra vir­gin olive oil.

At every stage, a mem­ber of the local gov­ern­ment will sign the spe­cial map” of the itin­er­ary that was designed by the artist Ro Marcenaro; he will also give as a present a tree of a tra­di­tional local cul­ti­var that will be then planted and cared after by a school of the next stop, to pro­mote a cul­tural and his­tor­i­cal exchange between the dif­fer­ent Italian regions.

Girolio d’Italia is a real jour­ney through­out Italy’s tra­di­tional spe­cial­i­ties, explor­ing dif­fer­ent loca­tions and tastes but always putting in the mid­dle extra vir­gin olive oil as the main pro­tag­o­nist.

Girolio d’Italia


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