`Italian Innovation and Tradition Awarded at World Olive Oil Competition - Olive Oil Times
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Italian Innovation and Tradition Awarded at World Olive Oil Competition

By Paolo DeAndreis
May. 18, 2020 11:38 UTC

Italian pro­duc­ers were awarded both for their tech­no­log­i­cal inno­va­tion and loyal adher­ence to tra­di­tional meth­ods at the 2020 NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition.

Frantoio Anteata, an extra vir­gin olive oil pro­ducer in Tuscany, won two Gold Awards.

These great results derive from the research and the test­ing of new pro­cess­ing tech­nolo­gies that our com­pany has been work­ing on,” owner Daniele Lepori, told Olive Oil Times.

Frantoio Anteata won for their Piro and Da Noi a Voi.

See Also:Special Coverage: 2020 NYIOOC

Our focus is to opti­mize the mol­e­c­u­lar com­po­si­tion of our oil,” Lepori said. To achieve this goal, we can count on inno­v­a­tive trans­for­ma­tion facil­i­ties.”

The oil mill uses an extract­ing tech­nique that does not require any water,” he added. The oil is then extracted from the fruit in a nitro­gen-con­trolled envi­ron­ment, which not only bears a supe­rior qual­ity but also allows the oil to main­tain its best qual­i­ties for longer.”

Frantoio Anteata worked closely with researchers from the Italian National Research Council (CNR) to field test new pro­cess­ing tech­nolo­gies.

For the first time this sea­son, we tested a new lens fil­ter that gave huge results,” Lepori said. Our first evi­dence hints to an unprece­dented sta­bil­ity for the oil’s phe­no­lic com­pounds over time.”

While adopt­ing new tech­nolo­gies is widely regarded as a poten­tial boost to over­all pro­duc­tion and qual­ity, there are cases in which expe­ri­ence plays a piv­otal role.

With a cov­eted Gold Award, the panel of judges at the 2020 NYIOOC rec­og­nized the qual­i­ties of Colle del Giachi, an extra vir­gin olive oil orig­i­nat­ing in the unique Chianti region of Tuscany, for the sec­ond year in a row.

Crafted by Olearia Giachi, a small-scale and high-qual­ity pro­ducer that only bot­tles a few hun­dred half-liters of its extra vir­gin olive oil each year, the oil is pro­duced under the author­ity of the Chianti Classico Consortium, which over­sees the local Protected Designation of Origin.

That is a small pro­duc­tion of ours. We do not usu­ally pro­duce more than 600 bot­tles of Colle del Giachi,” Alberto Giachi, one of the two broth­ers who run the com­pany that also pro­duces sev­eral other vari­eties of olive oil, told Olive Oil Times. It comes out of our expe­ri­ence in select­ing the best fruits from the cul­ti­vars, Moraiolo and Correggiola.”

We har­vest those olives and in about half of a day, they are trans­formed by the local oil mill,” he added.

While it remains a spe­cial­ized Chianti selec­tion, Colle del Giachi has been refined year after year over three decades, Alberto said. The NYIOOC panel listed the oil tast­ing sen­sa­tions as being bit­ter with fla­vors and aro­mas of almond, cin­na­mon, arugula, red chili pep­per and pars­ley.

Another pro­ducer that has once again received acco­lades for its extra vir­gin olive oil at the com­pe­ti­tion is Melchiorri Gianfranco, a farm located close to the ancient heart of Spoleto, in the Umbria region.

After win­ning with dif­fer­ent olive oils in past edi­tions, Melchiorri Farm won this time for its L’Intenditore extra vir­gin olive oil.

L’Intenditore is for the cus­tomers who reflect them­selves in what its name sug­gests,” grower Alessandro Melchiorri told Olive Oil Times. Intenditore is the Italian word for expert.”

This is a prod­uct aimed at those who know the pecu­liar­i­ties of the extra vir­gin olive oil and are look­ing for the spe­cial tast­ing qual­i­ties of a mono­va­ri­etal prod­uct com­ing from the Moraiolo cul­ti­var,” Melchiorri said.

To the NYIOOC 2020 panel of judges, L’Intenditore is a del­i­cate oil with tast­ing sen­sa­tions of wal­nut, radish, pink pep­per, flow­ers and green pep­per.

We are very happy to score this award with this prod­uct of ours since it shows how all of our extra vir­gin olive oils are among the best extra vir­gin olive oils on the mar­ket,” Melchiorri said.


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