`10th Edition of Madridfusión Celebrates Sweets and Seafood - Olive Oil Times

10th Edition of Madridfusión Celebrates Sweets and Seafood

By Pandora Penamil Penafiel
Jan. 23, 2012 19:21 UTC

Madridfusión, which will start tomor­row and go through Friday in the cap­i­tal of Spain, cel­e­brates its 10th Anniversary with a more agile and fun stag­ing that will high­light micro inter­ven­tions.”

The cur­rent for­mula was exhausted and we wanted to rein­vent this gas­tro­nomic con­gress,” said the pres­i­dent of Madridfusión, José Carlos Capel. After a decade offer­ing the world the lat­est tech­ni­cal and culi­nary inno­va­tions con­ducted by the most impor­tant cooks, Madridfusión pro­gram this year will focus on pas­try through the cel­e­bra­tion of Dulce Fusion (Sweet Fusion) and on new tech­niques with seafood.

Extra vir­gin olive oils will also be present in the con­gress. Villa Campestri’s Oleoteca (Olive Oil Center) and its OliveToLive sys­tem, designed by Villa Campestri’s owner, Paolo Pasquali, is one of the nom­i­nees for Best Design and Technological Innovation. This Oleoteca was intro­duced in Spain in December by the Spanish cook María José San Román in her restau­rant El Monastrell in Alicante.


Madridfusión hits the streets for the third year with Gastrofestival, mak­ing the city of Madrid echo one of the most impor­tant culi­nary events in the world through an intense pro­gram of activ­i­ties in more than 300 estab­lish­ments and insti­tu­tions through­out the city.

On this occa­sion, Gastrofestival focuses on health with Gastrosalud,” ded­i­cated to pro­mot­ing culi­nary habits with healthy cook­ing classes and nutri­tion work­shops, organic menus in restau­rants and health and beauty treat­ments with fruit, choco­late and spices.

Likewise, wine lovers can enjoy Enofusion” a wide vari­ety of tast­ing courses, city tours and even an inde­pen­dent music fes­ti­val in Madrid’s down­town.

Dinner with the Stars

In this edi­tion, Madrid Gastronomic” will offer the unique oppor­tu­nity to enjoy in out­stand­ing hotels and restau­rants in the city, dozens of menus pre­pared by the inter­na­tional chefs tak­ing part in Madridfusión. More than 100 restau­rants will take part in the pro­gram.

Cultural Experiences

Bars and restau­rants will offer their cus­tomers an impec­ca­ble selec­tion of the most tra­di­tional tapas” and beers. Also, the main cock­tail bars in Madrid, such as Le Cabrera, Chicote and O’Clock, among oth­ers, will con­tribute with their finest com­bi­na­tions.

As gas­tron­omy is part of cul­ture, Gastrofestival has sched­uled many activ­i­ties related to paint­ing, the­ater, cin­ema and lit­er­a­ture. Gastrocultura” will reflect this deep con­nec­tion with gal­leries, major muse­ums and insti­tu­tions of the cap­i­tal fea­tur­ing exhi­bi­tions, lec­tures, guided tours and work­shops.

Mercacei arti­cles also appear in Mercacei mag­a­zine and are not edited by Olive Oil Times.

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