`What Has Fashion To Do With Olive Oil? - Olive Oil Times
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What Has Fashion To Do With Olive Oil?

By Norma Kamali
Nov. 17, 2011 11:51 UTC

My bio will say I’ve won numer­ous fash­ion design awards and that I have been in this ever-chang­ing busi­ness since 1967. It will also say that I have celebrity clients, but it does not say that the one con­stant in my life has always been olive oil.

As far back as I can remem­ber, my mother had a solu­tion for every­thing with olive oil.

If you think about it, even the olive branch is the ges­ture for peace.

I plan to share every­thing I’ve learned in my search for the best olive oils in the world that began over 11 years ago. Since then, I have incor­po­rated olive oil and other time­less prod­ucts and ideas into my lifestyle, to be bet­ter and to build a pow­er­ful immune sys­tem.

Olive oil to me is God’s gift to our planet.

I plan to tell you about my adven­tures in the search for the best oils in my posts, along with all the com­mon and unusual uses for olive oil.

Timeless Style Is The Most Modern Approach To Life

Fashion is about trends and fast-mov­ing style. Anything that is time­less tran­scends trends and fash­ion and is the most mod­ern approach to life. From cloth­ing that tran­scends time, like Audrey Hepburn in that lit­tle black dress, to olive oil that dates as far back as the bible, feed­ing and nur­tur­ing human­ity.

Not only does olive oil nour­ish, it has an extra­or­di­nary abil­ity to enhance life, increase the qual­ity of it, and most likely, extend it.

It can enhance beauty, improve health and reg­u­lar­ity, and with a warm olive oil mas­sage then bath, it increases the chance for a roman­tic evening when it is used as a lubri­cant.

I say try it for any­thing and every­thing on every­one in your fam­ily.


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