`Michelle Obama Awarded a 1,400 Year-Old Olive Tree - Olive Oil Times
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Michelle Obama Awarded a 1,400 Year-Old Olive Tree

By Luciana Squadrilli
May. 20, 2012 18:53 UTC

The U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama will receive a spe­cial award” on the occa­sion of the next Med-Italian Diet Festival to be held in Lecce, in Southern Italy, from the 24th to the 27th of May: she will become the hon­orary owner of La Regina” (The Queen), a huge 1,400 year-old olive tree located in Salento, in Apulia.

Mrs. Obama will receive the award for her strong com­mit­ment to pro­mote a healthy diet and the Mediterranean lifestyle in the U.S., par­tic­u­larly among young peo­ple.

She not only helps spread the mes­sage through the pub­lic cam­paign Let’s Move!’, but the First Lady also sets a good exam­ple at home, per­son­ally car­ing for the White House’s veg­etable gar­den she cre­ated.

Beside the award’s sym­bolic value, the Obama fam­ily will receive all of the extra vir­gin olive oil obtained from the tree, which still gives a very good prod­uct made by the local farm Cooperativa Sant’Anna di Vernole. The tree stands in the land owned by Ines Maria Antonucci, who will attend the cer­e­mony together with Lecce s Provincial Board President Antonio Gabellone and the local Agriculture Alderman Francesco Pacella.

Some days ago Lecce’s munic­i­pal­ity sent a mes­sage both to Mrs. Obama and to the U.S. ambas­sador in Italy, David Thorne, to inform them and to explain the rea­sons for their choice. She was also invited to visit Salento next fall to watch the har­vest­ing of her olive tree.


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