`Olio2go: Internet Purveyor of Italy’s Finest - Olive Oil Times
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Olio2go: Internet Purveyor of Italy’s Finest

By Vanessa Stasio
Mar. 20, 2014 20:35 UTC
Olio2go founders Jeff Chandler and Donna Morea

For those who have trav­eled to Italy and long to find an olive oil they sam­pled there, oth­ers who hail from Lo Stivale and are miss­ing fla­vors from home, and still oth­ers who sim­ply just love the taste of authen­tic Mediterranean olive oils, Olio2go.com just might become one of your favorite web­sites.

Husband and wife team Jeff Chandler and Donna Morea founded Olio2go in 2000, when the e‑commerce boom was in full swing. Both had back­grounds in tech­nol­ogy and a pas­sion for Italian olive oil. They opened a small retail loca­tion in Virginia in 2012, but most of their focus remains on the web­site.

Luanne Savino O’Loughlin, man­ager of Olio2go, explains that the site’s direct-to-con­sumer offer­ing is unlike any other. They focus on hav­ing olive oils from every oil-pro­duc­ing region in Italy along with other arti­sanal prod­ucts. Their inven­tory includes oils from the higher-pro­file, regions like Tuscany, Umbria, and Sicily, among oth­ers, along with areas that are not typ­i­cally known for their olive trees, such as Veneto and Basilicata.

The Olio2go web­site offers about 70 Italian extra vir­gin olive oils.

O’Loughlin empha­sizes the level of care that goes into stor­ing the oils, say­ing that the oils are incred­i­bly well-stored” with con­sid­er­a­tions for tem­per­a­ture, lights and time. At any one time, Olio2go has about 70 olive oils avail­able for sale on the site, accom­pa­nied by infor­ma­tion on the dif­fer­ences in the regions from which these oils come as well as the ways that the olive oils can enhance food.

Despite inher­ent chal­lenges in sourc­ing prod­ucts from cer­tain regions, such as over­com­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tions bar­ri­ers or phys­i­cally access­ing pro­duc­ers, the staff at Olio2go works to ensure that they have rep­re­sen­ta­tion from every region.

The team at Olio2go began by buy­ing all of their items from other importers, but they have pro­gressed to doing some of their import­ing, which allows them to offer exclu­sive prod­ucts. They aim to show­case Italy’s regional spe­cial­ties, unique pro­duc­ers and harder-to-find prod­ucts. For exam­ple, one of their most pop­u­lar prod­ucts right now is a deca­dent pis­ta­chio spread, Crema di Pistacchio DOP, from the small town of Bronte.

O’Loughlin describes Olio2go’s cus­tomer base as diverse. We have cus­tomers who have recently vis­ited Italy and want to recre­ate those mem­o­ries. Then we have other peo­ple with Italian her­itage who are look­ing for pro­vi­sions that rep­re­sent where their fam­i­lies are from.” She men­tions that they have another con­tin­gency of clien­tele that is well aware of the health ben­e­fits of olive oil. These indi­vid­u­als know that fresh olive oil is best and are inter­ested in the detailed pro­files of the oils, includ­ing infor­ma­tion on acid­ity and polyphe­nol lev­els.

Luanne Savino O’Loughlin, man­ager of Olio2go

In many ways, O’Loughlin likens the mar­ket­ing of olive oils to that of wine. Brand names often serve as iden­ti­fiers that cus­tomers rec­og­nize and value when mak­ing pur­chas­ing deci­sions. Furthermore, the same care, crafts­man­ship and magic that go into pro­duc­ing wine also apply to olive oil. One can develop and fine-tune his or her palate for olive oils by fre­quently tast­ing the mul­ti­tude of vari­eties from around the world.

Olio2go is focused on expand­ing its web pres­ence in the near future, with pos­si­ble exten­sion of brick-and-mor­tar store oper­a­tions over the longer term. The site receives a con­sid­er­able num­ber of inquiries from cus­tomers world­wide, prompt­ing research into how to poten­tially ser­vice inter­na­tional buy­ers. At the moment, ship­ping is avail­able in the United States and Canada.

Global con­sumer inter­est in olive oil con­tin­ues to pro­lif­er­ate, and vis­i­bil­ity into the nuances of sourc­ing, pro­duc­tion, stor­age and use is also on the rise. During this excit­ing time in the olive oil world, Olio2go will main­tain their com­mit­ment to offer­ing high qual­ity Italian olive oils from a range of pro­duc­ers, includ­ing those lesser-known fam­ily-owned oper­a­tions whose oils may never have been enjoyed in the United States if not for the site.

O’Loughlin hopes cus­tomers under­stand what it takes for small pro­duc­ers to put olive oil in a bot­tle for them. These oils are hand­made, crafted prod­ucts that rep­re­sent fam­ily tra­di­tions and pas­sion that have been passed down across gen­er­a­tions.”

She goes on to say that her posi­tion at Olio2go is the most fun job she has ever had. I love help­ing pro­duc­ers, sell­ing a great prod­uct, and serv­ing our cus­tomers. Our olive oils add value to people’s lives; they add fla­vor to meals, fun to the din­ner table, and are healthy too.”

Olio2go’s web­site is olio2go.com. Their store is located at 8400 Hilltop Road, Suite H, Fairfax, Virginia.


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