`International Olive Oil Competition Coming to New York - Olive Oil Times
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International Olive Oil Competition Coming to New York

By Denise Johnson
Jul. 25, 2012 12:47 UTC

An inter­na­tional panel of lead­ing experts will assem­ble at The International Culinary Center in New York City on April 16 – 18, 2013 for the New York International Olive Oil Competition to iden­tify, and honor, the best extra vir­gin olive oils in the world.

Organized by the lead­ing olive oil pub­li­ca­tion, Olive Oil Times, the three-day event in SoHo will include tast­ings, work­shops and culi­nary demon­stra­tions by top chefs.

This is the defin­i­tive con­test to crown the year’s very best olive oils from around the world,” said Curtis Cord, exec­u­tive edi­tor of Olive Oil Times and pres­i­dent of the New York International Olive Oil Competition, and that com­pe­ti­tion is, nat­u­rally, here in New York.”

The event is spon­sored by The International Culinary Center founded as The French Culinary Institute, a lead­ing cen­ter for culi­nary edu­ca­tion, which pro­duces first-rate grad­u­ates that advance the indus­try. We are excited to be host­ing The New York International Olive Oil Competition for the first time,” said Dorothy Cann Hamilton, CEO and Founder of The International Culinary Center. Olive oil is key to almost every cui­sine around the world and it’s impor­tant to teach pro­fes­sional and aspir­ing chefs about all of its won­der­ful qual­i­ties and uses in the kitchen.”

Two sem­i­nars will be held at The International Culinary Center dur­ing the week that will teach chefs and other culi­nary pro­fes­sion­als the advanced points of olive oil at a time when the public’s curios­ity about it is at an all-time high.

The event’s culi­nary pro­gram is spon­sored by the leg­endary New York-area gourmet retailer Fairway Markets.

Organizers expect more than 500 olive oil pro­duc­ers from around the world to enter the com­pe­ti­tion. And while the brag­ging rights that come with tak­ing the top prize at the world’s most impor­tant olive oil con­test can be a boon for the win­ners, it might also be an incred­i­ble oppor­tu­nity for their prod­ucts to enter one of the world’s biggest con­sumer mar­kets.

Fairway has been bring­ing out­stand­ing olive oils to its cus­tomers for years,” said Steven Jenkins, cheese­mon­ger and gro­cer for Fairway Markets. After the com­pe­ti­tion, we are going to fea­ture dis­plays in all of the Fairway stores offer­ing the competition’s win­ning oils to our cus­tomers, along with an olive oil tast­ing and food-pair­ing guide­book we’re cre­at­ing for the occa­sion.”

The win­ners will be fea­tured all year long in a spe­cial sec­tion of the online olive oil guide on the Olive Oil Times web­site. Readers will be able to learn about the newly-crowned pro­duc­ers and click through to retail out­lets that carry their oils.

Cord said, Our olive oil guide is viewed by thou­sands every day. The New York International Olive Oil Competition sec­tion is a great resource for learn­ing about the very best oils around the world – and how con­sumers and food indus­try pro­fes­sion­als can find them for their own kitchens.”

During that week in April, many of the olive oil entries will also be fea­tured at some of New York’s top restau­rants in spe­cial pair­ing menus devel­oped to high­light the char­ac­ter­is­tics of these elite extra vir­gin olive oils.

More infor­ma­tion will be avail­able on the New York International Olive Oil Competition web­site.


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