`Olive Oil Third Among Most-Searched Items on Popular Shopping App - Olive Oil Times
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Olive Oil Third Among Most-Searched Items on Popular Shopping App

By Gaynor Selby
Sep. 25, 2015 13:18 UTC

Olive oil is the third most searched for prod­uct by con­sumers using a lead­ing shop­ping app oper­at­ing in 34 coun­tries around the world, accord­ing to a sur­vey to deter­mine which prod­ucts attract the most con­sumers via the Tiendeo app plat­form and web­site.

The online con­sol­ida­tor and mobile app for online cat­a­loges, coupons and offers from busi­ness and retails chains car­ried out the sur­vey of house­hold shop­ping habits dur­ing 2015.

During the snap­shot, data was taken across sev­eral Tiendeo plat­forms detail­ing the prod­ucts most searched for as well as prod­ucts most com­monly offered in a bid to estab­lish what peo­ple are adding to their shop­ping lists.

The results demon­strate the pop­u­lar­ity of olive oil as a sta­ple shop­ping item for con­sumers around the globe.

Olive oil takes bronze

While beer and dia­pers are the top two most pop­u­lar searched for prod­ucts, olive oil placed third.

As the main pro­tag­o­nist, beer came out with 33 per­cent of users includ­ing it in their shop­ping lists, while dia­pers (nap­pies) had 19 per­cent of users and olive oil had 7 per­cent.

Tiendeo, head­quar­tered in Spain, said fill­ing the shop­ping trol­ley is one of the main drains on the aver­age annual house­hold bud­get and it is no sur­prise that the super­mar­kets cat­e­gory is the most viewed on all Tiendeo plat­forms.

Alongside alco­hol, other prod­ucts which Tiendeo users around the globe search for most fre­quently include nap­pies and olive oil,” says a Tiendeo spokesper­son. This is because, along­side alco­hol, these prod­ucts are com­mon to a great num­ber of house­holds and they are prod­ucts which can also make the biggest dent in the pock­ets of con­sumers.

Nappies and olive oil accom­pa­nies alco­hol as prod­ucts which are highly searched when plan­ning pur­chases.”

The sur­vey included data not just from olive oil-guz­zling Spain, but also the UK, Latin America and the United States.


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