World / page 28

May. 28, 2021

Climate Change Is Altering the Nutrient Profiles of the World’s Crops

A new report shows a direct link between the amount of carbon dioxide in the air and the nutrient composition of the world’s most popular staple crops.

May. 26, 2021

World's Best Olive Oils for 2021 Revealed at Premier Competition

The complete results of the 2021 NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition were released today on the Official Guide to the World's Best Olive Oils, after a three-day online rollout of the award-winning brands.

May. 24, 2021

Global Olive Oil Production Will Hit Four-Year High, USDA Estimates

Increasing production paired with rising vegetable oil prices is also expected to yield record exports and olive oil consumption levels.

May. 6, 2021

Despite Tariffs, Spanish Olive Oil Exports to U.S. Rose to Begin Fiscal Year

The reopening of hospitality and tourism in the U.S. combined with poor harvests throughout the Mediterranean may have had an impact.

May. 6, 2021

Olive Pests and Disease Will Be Focus of International Conference in October

Academics, scientists, farmers and producers will meet in Lisbon to discuss the latest on detection, control and management techniques.

May. 5, 2021

Olive Oil Sector Mourns Loss of 'Inspirational Pioneer' Paolo Pasquali

The olive oil world lost a leading figure after the hotelier, educator and all-around Renaissance man passed away from complications due to Covid-19.

Apr. 26, 2021

World Olive Oil Competition Entries Way Up From Turkey, Croatia, Italy, Greece

Producers signed up in record numbers to compete on the world stage, and many submitted new product variations to distinguish their brands in the global marketplace.

Apr. 13, 2021

Palm Oil Bans Meet Resistance in Southeast Asia

Sri Lanka has decided to completely remove its palm plantations. Meanwhile, the U.S. and the E.U. are scaling back on imports over environmental and labor concerns.

Mar. 17, 2021

Almost 1 Billion Tons of Food Is Wasted Each Year, U.N. Report Finds

The United Nations has found that more than 900 million tons of food were wasted in 2019. The problem is pervasive, with food waste occurring at every step of the food chain worldwide.

Mar. 17, 2021

Olive Council Projects Slight Decrease in Olive Oil Consumption

Spain, Italy and Greece remain the largest per-capita consumers worldwide, while imports to the United States, Japan and Canada show an upturn.


Mar. 16, 2021

World Olive Oil Competition Receives Record Number of Entries

The NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition announced it had received 1,171 entries for the 2021 edition, breaking the previous record of 1,003 set in 2018.

Mar. 12, 2021

New Plant Parasite Discovered in Chinese Vineyards

A new root-knot nematode species was identified in southwest China. Researchers are working to determine whether the parasite is as deadly as other species of nematodes.

Mar. 9, 2021

'Digital Earth' Could Help Predict Effects of Climate Change

Scientists are building a digital model of the Earth that will act as an information system for better decision-making on development and environmental issues within the European Union.

Feb. 24, 2021

Even Dark Glass Bottles Leave EVOO Susceptible to Oxidation, Study Finds

Extra virgin olive oil in dark glass bottles suffers significant degradation in supermarket-like conditions, researchers in Italy found.

Feb. 11, 2021

Andalusian Festival Inaugurates Virtual Event

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced some parts of La Molienda de Riogordo olive oil festival online. Organizers are capitalizing on the opportunity to offer an English-language version.

Feb. 6, 2021

A Pioneering Blind Sensory Panel in Tunisia

A group of young blind Tunisians seeks certification of its tasting panel program.

Jan. 15, 2021

Olive Council Sets Out to Study Global Consumption Trends

The International Olive Council says it will embark on a study to better understand consumption trends around the world.

Jan. 11, 2021

2020 Tied for Hottest Year on Record, Capping Off the World’s Warmest Decade

Annual average temperatures across the Northern Hemisphere reached record highs, with the largest deviations in the Arctic and Europe.
