World / page 50

Apr. 23, 2019

In Slovenia, the "Tree Needs to Look Beautiful"

"A vine is like a lover," Miha Jakovcic says. "If you neglect it, even a little, it won’t forgive you. An olive tree, however, is like a mother. You can always come back to her,"

Apr. 18, 2019

Olive Tree Installation Charms and Causes Controversy in Milan

The installation of 16 centenary olive trees in celebration of Milan's Design Week has led to some questioning the origin and the future of the trees. Artist Sabine Marcelis says the trees were ethically sourced.

Apr. 10, 2019

Old Ways Endure at Award-Winning Farm in Slovenia

Timor’s six olive groves are small and disperse, each containing just a few dozen trees. The rugged terrain makes it necessary to do everything by hand, which the husband and wife team do well enough to earn the industry's highest award.

Feb. 28, 2019

University Receives Donation of Ancient Olive Varieties

The seedlings, which were recently donated by Banco Santander, will be studied before given new life when they are planted at the Rabanales University campus.

Feb. 28, 2019

35,000 Tons of Stolen Syrian Olive Oil May Already Be in Europe

This figure represents about half of the olive oil that has reportedly smuggled out from Afrin. A new pro-Turkish ally in the occupied Syrian territory denies the oil "was stolen" at all.

Feb. 28, 2019

Sommelier Program to Follow 2019 NYIOOC

The eighth edition of the widely acclaimed program for olive oil sensory evaluation will follow the NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition this May.

Feb. 26, 2019

Spain Tops List of World's Healthiest Countries

Bloomberg's Healthiest Country Index ranked Spain as the healthiest country in the world in 2019, beating out Italy. Healthy eating habits and the Mediterranean diet are mainly responsible for the increase.

Feb. 19, 2019

Auburn University Raising Money for Olive Oil and Alzheimer's Research

Researchers at Auburn University have found that a compound in extra virgin olive oil might be valuable for helping prevent or slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

Feb. 12, 2019

Canary Islands Seek to Strengthen Emerging Olive Oil Industry

The consolidation of the olive oil industry in the Canary Islands is moving at a fast pace. The number of olive trees being cultivated has grown quickly as has olive oil production.

Feb. 12, 2019

Olive Growing Seminar Returns to UC Davis

About 75 professional and aspiring olive farmers will gather at the Silverado Vineyards Sensory Theater in Davis, California for an olive growing master class hosted by the Olive Center and instructed by several experts.


Feb. 11, 2019

Italian Producers Lose a Champion

Gaetano Avallone, the president of Oleum, died last Monday. He has been fondly remembered by many of his colleagues for his contribution to the Italian extra virgin olive oil sector.

Feb. 4, 2019

Greek Producers Report Poor Harvest for Quantity, Quality

After a bad harvest, olive farmers and oil producers may not be able to receive compensation. However, small producers have a chance to shine in a depleted field of competitors.

Feb. 4, 2019

Spanish Senators Demand Investigation of Turkish Imports

The search is on to determine whether stolen Syrian olive oil has been imported into Spain under the guise of 'Made in Turkey.' A criminal investigation could be coming.

Feb. 1, 2019

Italian Olive Oil Production Falls to Record Lows

The Institute of Services for the Agricultural and Food Market said 185,000 tons produced. A raft of climatic and phytosanitary problems are to blame.

Jan. 31, 2019

The Rise of Organic Olive Oil in Greece

Small-scale Greek producers are taking a gamble that the risk of investing in organic olive oil production will pay off. Some say Greece has the ideal conditions in which to do so.

Jan. 30, 2019

Compound Found in Olives May Help Prevent Deadly Type of Breast Cancer

A study completed at the University of Jaén has identified the benefits that a compound found in both olives and olive oil may have on an aggressive type of breast cancer.

Jan. 29, 2019

Olive Oil Consumption Falling Among Spain's Youth

A new report released by a Spanish university indicated that a number of factors are contributing to the decrease in local consumption and predicted that it may not recover.

Jan. 24, 2019

Scientists Create 'Planetary Health Diet' to Tackle Climate Change

A group of international scientists have devised a global diet designed to limit climate change while promoting human health. It looks quite similar to the Mediterranean diet.
