World / page 9

May. 17, 2023

Global Olive Oil Production Predicted to Rebound

USDA economists project that production will rise in Europe and Tunisia.

May. 8, 2023

AI Tool for Olive Farmers Will Improve Yields, Reduce Costs, Researchers Say

Citoliva, an Andalusia-based nonprofit, is developing an AI-based predictive model to determine the ideal moment while minimizing input costs.

May. 4, 2023

Consecrated Oil for King Charles III Coronation Arrives in London

Olive oil used in the coronation was produced from handpicked olives and blessed by religious officials in Jerusalem.

Mar. 27, 2023

Demand for Organic Olive Oil Growing Globally

By 2030, the organic olive oil market could be worth more than ten percent of the sector total, up from the current six percent.

Mar. 1, 2023

AI Tools May Not Transform Agriculture, but Will Help Farmers, Experts Predict

ChatGPT lacks reasoning abilities and cannot predict the future, but it may prove useful for farmers in other ways.

Feb. 15, 2023

Lebanon's Climate Is Becoming Less Conducive to Olive Growing

Scientists believe the loss of productivity and quality may occur in the Levant and the Mediterranean basin due to rising temperatures and less precipitation.

Feb. 9, 2023

Talking Olive Oil with Chat GPT

The artificial intelligence-powered chatbot demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of the olive oil industry and a capacity to provide precise information.

Feb. 8, 2023

Mysterious African Insects Are Infesting Portuguese Olive Groves

Unexplained damage to olive trees over a six-year period in Portugal has been confirmed as the effects of an obscure insect never before observed in Europe.

Feb. 6, 2023

Organic Producers Take Eco-Score Labels to Court

IFOAM brings a lawsuit accusing Eco-Score labeling of being unfair to organic production and misleading to consumers.

Feb. 6, 2023

Research Reveals How Deadly Pathogen Infects Olive Trees

Researchers from the University of Córdoba studied how fluid emitted by olive tree roots facilitates the germination of the fungus responsible for Verticillium wilt.


Feb. 5, 2023

Spain's 2022 Olive Oil Sales only Slightly Lower than Expected

Olive oil sales in Spain hold relatively steady despite the many problems and price increases throughout 2022.

Feb. 4, 2023

Europe Launches Initiative to Save Pollinators

The newly-proposed strategy aims at stopping the decline in pollinators by creating a ban on some pesticides and passing new agricultural measures.

Jan. 18, 2023

Summer 2022 Was Europe's Hottest on Record

The last eight years on Earth have been the hottest on record, with climate extreme weather events increasing significantly in 2022.

Jan. 17, 2023

Groundwater Resources Recharge Faster than Previously Estimated

Research sheds light on the recharge rate of groundwater resources, which has important implications for the sustainable use of underground aquifers.

Jan. 17, 2023

Olive Trees Combat Air Pollution, New Research Shows

VegPM, a Tuscan research project, proves that certain tree species can combat air pollution from particulate matter (PM) and improve air quality in urban environments.

Jan. 5, 2023

Nations Sign COP15 to Protect the Future of Biodiversity

The United Nations conference closes its doors after more than ten days of intense negotiations. The resulting agreement aims to increase biodiversity and restore ecosystems.

Dec. 30, 2022

Olive Council Forecasts Significant Production Decline

Olive oil production is expected to fall to 2.73 million tons in the 2022/23 crop year, largely due to drought and inclement weather in the Mediterranean.

Dec. 12, 2022

In Brescia, Neglected City Olives Get Harvested

A group of citizens came together to harvest olives from trees throughout the city of Brescia and make olive oil.
