`Seamus Mullen's 'Tertulia' Selected for Olive Oil Event - Olive Oil Times
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Seamus Mullen's 'Tertulia' Selected for Olive Oil Event

By Michael Goodwin
Mar. 20, 2013 13:40 UTC

The first New York International Olive Oil Competition will extend beyond the the­ater and judg­ing rooms at The International Culinary Center and into restau­rant kitchens through­out the City.

Between April 15 and 19, the week of the com­pe­ti­tion, select New York restau­rants will take part in the event by fea­tur­ing con­test entries in spe­cial pair­ing dishes.

Choosing from the more than 700 vying to be declared the best olive oils in the world, renowned chef Seamus Mullen’s Tertulia, in the West Village will show how extra vir­gin olive oils are paired with foods to enhance and ele­vate tastes.

Mullen’s first solo restau­rant, Tertulia fea­tures olive oil as cen­tral to its mod­ern take on Spanish cui­sine.

In 2011, the New York Times awarded Tertulia two stars, report­ing that the restau­rant was, great fun: a casual Spanish gas­tropub that sees its roots in the cider bars of north­ern Spain, and its suc­cess in a cui­sine that is equal parts pork and seafood, salt and olive oil, gar­lic and smoked paprika.”

Writing for New York mag­a­zine, Adam Platt wrote that Mullen’s cook­ing at Tertulia, is authen­tic in its essen­tial Spanishness, but it’s also brawny, sea­sonal, and deeply fla­vored in a nuevo rús­tico, dis­tinctly New York kind of way.” The mag­a­zine awarded Tertulia three stars.

Tertulia was also a 2012 final­ist for the James Beard Foundation’s award for Best New Restaurant.

Mullen is sure to make great use of this year’s com­pet­ing olive oils with his pas­sion for Mediterranean cook­ing and fresh, sea­sonal ingre­di­ents. He is an accom­plished author, recently pub­lish­ing his first cook­book, Hero Food: How Cooking with Delicious Things Can Make Us Feel Better,” and serv­ing as a con­tribut­ing colum­nist to Everyday with Rachael Ray.

Make a reser­va­tion at Tertulia


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