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Single Servings Win Innovation Awards

By Julie Butler
Jan. 7, 2013 10:38 UTC

The expand­ing range of sin­gle serv­ings of olive oil was evi­dent at the SIAL inter­na­tional food fair in Paris this year, where two such prod­ucts won prizes for inno­va­tion.

Minioliva, fea­tur­ing extra vir­gin olive oil from Jaén in Spain, and Berlingots from Calanquet, filled with French olive oil from Alpilles, were among 18 new prod­ucts declared the most inno­v­a­tive in a field of more than 1000.

Made by the fam­ily-run Alcalá Oliva olive mill, Minioliva comes in olive-shaped, anti-drip blis­ter packs of 8 and 14ml.

The range was launched in October and includes vinai­grette packs, which com­bine a serv­ing of extra vir­gin olive oil — mainly picual and with a max­i­mum acid­ity of 0.4 per­cent — and either bal­samic vine­gar or rasp­berry vine­gar. There are also aro­m­a­tized oils, such as chili and, from January, cin­na­mon.

SIAL’s food ser­vice com­mit­tee said the prod­uct was selected for an inno­va­tion award for the orig­i­nal­ity of pack­ag­ing and width of the range. It was said to fit with the trends for prod­ucts offer­ing sophis­ti­ca­tion and for easy to han­dle prod­ucts.

Interest in both hos­pi­tal­ity and retail sec­tors

Alcalá Oliva export man­ager Ángela Pérez Linde told Olive Oil Times the com­pany has been mak­ing and pack­ag­ing olive oil for half a cen­tury but the new Minioliva range has quickly become its hall­mark.

Ángela Pérez Linde

More than 10 estab­lish­ments in North America, includ­ing var­i­ous food chains, already sell the prod­uct and there is also inter­est from the hos­pi­tal­ity sec­tor, she said.

Within Spain, the com­pany is in talks with pre-made salad sup­pli­ers inter­ested in bundling the olive oil with their sal­ads, and also with the mak­ers of pizza prod­ucts.

A pizza restau­rant chain is inter­ested in the chili oil and there is wider demand in the hotel and restau­rant sec­tor for olive oil for­mats sim­i­lar to the pop­u­lar sin­gle serv­ings of ketchup and may­on­naise, she said.

Pérez Linde said the product’s appeal includes that it is easy to use, good value for money, and pro­vides the right dose and accom­pa­ni­ment for what some­one is con­sum­ing at the moment.”

She said it also appeals to peo­ple who want a vari­ety of fla­vors for var­i­ous uses but might not get through a whole bot­tle of cin­na­mon fla­vored oil, for instance, in a year.

The pods have a one year shelf life if prop­erly stored. A 12-unit pack retails for $5.99 in the North American mar­ket.

Les Berlingots du Calanquet

Pyramid-shaped 10ml sachets of olive oil are the basis of the new range called Les Berlingots du Calanquet.

Made by Moulin du Calanquet in Saint-Rémy de Provence, it was launched to answer the grow­ing demand for portable and prac­ti­cal prod­ucts, spokes­woman Julie Vallet told Olive Oil Times.

SIAL’s food ser­vice com­mit­tee said the prod­uct was cho­sen for an award for the orig­i­nal­ity of the con­cept, the fla­vors, and the pack­ag­ing design. It was also found to fit with the fol­low­ing prod­uct trends: sophis­ti­ca­tion, ease of use, and nat­u­ral­ity”.

The range includes five sin­gle vari­ety oils from olive vari­eties tra­di­tional in the Alpilles: Grossane, Salonenque, Aglandau, Verdale and Picholine.

In the aro­matic oils the fla­vors are basil, truf­fle, and the French mush­room vari­eties morilles and cepes.

The range also includes dress­ings of tomato, mango, kala­mansi (lemon from Asia) and rasp­berry.

The retail price for a box with 16 berling­tos is €25 and the prod­uct has an 18 month shelf life if suit­ably stored.


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