`University of Jáen Introduces Course on Mediterranean Diet - Olive Oil Times
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University of Jáen Introduces Course on Mediterranean Diet

By Naomi Tupper
Feb. 27, 2012 13:56 UTC

A new course aimed to pro­mote research and knowl­edge about the Mediterranean diet, includ­ing nutri­tion, food safety and gas­tron­omy aspects, will be intro­duced at the University of Jáen, Spain. The course will honor Juan Salcedo, founder of Juanito de Baeza, a restau­rant with a focus on local olive oil, and one of the first pro­mot­ers of olive oil and the Mediterranean diet in Spain.

Juan Salcedo

The course will develop an annual pro­gram of activ­i­ties, con­fer­ences and work­shops includ­ing areas such as tast­ing tra­di­tional cui­sine and food secu­rity. It will also offer a Masters’ pro­gram, Cuisine and Nutrition: Mediterranean diet and Oil Tasting.

The Vice-Chancellor of the University, Manuel Parras, explained that the objec­tive of the course is to learn more about the ben­e­fits of the Mediterranean diet, not exclu­sively extra vir­gin and vir­gin olive oils. The course will pro­mote the impor­tance of qual­ity olive oils in the Mediterranean diet, but it will also focus on train­ing and inno­va­tion for work­ers such as restau­rant man­age­ment, chefs and wine tasters.

The nam­ing of the course after Juan Salcedo Juanito’, rec­og­nizes the impor­tant role he played for over 50 years in the pride and pro­mo­tion of extra vir­gin olive oil and the tra­di­tional cui­sine of Jáen in national and inter­na­tional gas­tron­omy. He is known to have been a pio­neer of Jáen olive oil and high­lighted its qual­i­ties and fla­vors whilst stay­ing true to ances­tral recipes of the province.

Salcedo estab­lished his restau­rant in 1955, serv­ing tra­di­tional cui­sine fea­tur­ing his fam­i­ly’s own olive oil, Oleo Viana. He won many awards through­out the European Union and the restau­rant has been fre­quented by numer­ous celebri­ties, Politicians and Kings of Spain. After his death in 2004, the Salcedos fam­ily con­tinue to run Juanito as well as pro­duce oil from local olives.

Salcedo’s son, Juan Luis, expressed his grat­i­tude for the trib­ute to the mem­ory of his father demon­strated by the new course.


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