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World's Best Olive Oils for 2021 Revealed at Premier Competition

The complete results of the 2021 NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition were released today on the Official Guide to the World's Best Olive Oils, after a three-day online rollout of the award-winning brands.
Photo: Rafael Alonso Aguilera
By Olive Oil Times Staff
May. 26, 2021 11:47 UTC

The com­plete results of the 2021 NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition were released today on the Official Guide to the World’s Best Olive Oils, after a three-day online roll­out of the award-win­ning brands.

Producers from 28 coun­tries deliv­ered 1,159 brands to the indus­try’s most pres­ti­gious con­test. An inter­na­tional team of experts ana­lyzed each entry remotely from 13 coun­tries.

I’ll be able to call our team mem­bers and tell them, one by one, that their devo­tion made this won­der­ful achieve­ment pos­si­ble.- Nicola Ferrarese, co-owner, Tèra de Prie

In an aston­ish­ing dis­play of the deter­mi­na­tion of pro­duc­ers to improve their craft, 790 brands earned the NYIOOC’s cov­eted Gold and Silver Awards for out­stand­ing qual­ity, for an over­all suc­cess rate of 68 per­cent.


Andreas Papaspyrou, Papas Grove

NYIOOC pres­i­dent Curtis Cord said the steadily climb­ing tally of win­ners since the first edi­tion of the con­test in 2013 was the strongest pos­si­ble state­ment by coura­geous pro­duc­ers in fac­ing down chal­lenges to put out the best prod­uct pos­si­ble for our health and enjoy­ment.”

Faced with every­thing the world threw at them this year, some­how these ded­i­cated peo­ple still man­aged to cre­ate extra vir­gin olive oils of out­stand­ing qual­ity — an exceed­ingly dif­fi­cult thing to do even under the best con­di­tions,” Cord added.

The 790 brands now com­prise an elite list of the world’s best extra vir­gin olive oils on the Official Guide, the guide used by mil­lions of peo­ple each year to learn about the award win­ners and the peo­ple behind them.

These are the brands that deliver the high­est value in terms of the char­ac­ter­is­tics we expect when we choose an extra vir­gin olive oil,” Cord said, and they are worth search­ing for.”


Agricola Maraviglia

Olive Oil Times reporters began con­tact­ing pro­duc­ers for their reac­tions after win­ning the pre­mier award in the olive oil indus­try.

This award means we are pro­duc­ing olive oil the right way. It’s repay­ment for all our hard work,” said Matej Drnovšček, owner of Kmetija Drnovšček Estate in Slovenia and the pro­ducer of the Gold Award-win­ning brand Drnovšček Belica.

Italian pro­ducer Simone Botti, who owns Le Fontacce, won a Gold Award for his Tuscan blend. This award repays the sac­ri­fices and all the work that has been done dur­ing the year,” he told Olive Oil Times, espe­cially at the time of har­vest­ing with the mill that I per­son­ally man­age.”

Spanish pro­ducer Oro del Desierto won two Gold Awards, extend­ing an impres­sive win­ning streak at the NYIOOC. We are so happy with the results,” said owner Rafael Alonso when he learned of the awards. We have con­tin­ued to have con­sis­tent, pos­i­tive results since 2014 at this com­pe­ti­tion. Nevertheless, we’ll con­tinue to try to give our best every year.”


Fattoria Triboli

Since the start, I’ve worked hard to pro­duce a top qual­ity, eth­i­cally pro­duced olive oil capa­ble of tick­ling the most sophis­ti­cated of palates while beau­ti­fy­ing our land by restor­ing aban­doned groves. Winning this award means recog­ni­tion of this hard work,” said Francesco Piattelli Palmarini, whose Maraviglia blend earned a Gold Award.

Proud, rewarded, and moti­vated!” said Petros Papaspyrou after earn­ing three awards for his Papas Grove extra vir­gin olive oils pro­duced in Kranidi Argolidas, Greece. It keeps our small fam­ily busi­ness com­mit­ted to con­tinue offer­ing qual­ity, hon­est pro­duce.”

These awards mean so much to me,” said Brooke Hazen, owner of Goldridge Farms in California. It gives me such a warm feel­ing of grat­i­tude and sat­is­fac­tion after we put so much time, energy and money into pro­duc­ing the best olive oil pos­si­ble.”

This arti­cle com­mences our spe­cial cov­er­age of the 2021 NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition in which we will high­light the peo­ple behind the award-win­ning brands.


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