`World's Olive Oils Set to Compete in New York - Olive Oil Times

World's Olive Oils Set to Compete in New York

By Denise Johnson
Mar. 30, 2015 11:03 UTC

With just two weeks to go until olive oil takes cen­ter stage at the Crossroads of the World, orga­niz­ers of the New York International Olive Oil Competition say the third edi­tion of the annual event is shap­ing up to be the best yet.

Despite one of the most chal­leng­ing har­vest sea­sons in recent mem­ory in many regions, espe­cially south­ern Italy, 671 olive oils will com­pete for the cov­eted Gold, Silver and Best in Class awards and to be among the best olive oils in the world, as the win­ners of the yearly con­test are known.

Entries from Italy are down by about one-third, con­firmed NYIOOC pres­i­dent Curtis Cord, but entries are up for almost every other coun­try. Now more than ever, Cord said, pro­duc­ers of high-qual­ity olive oil need to dis­tin­guish their brands.

We have been invest­ing in inno­v­a­tive ways to get NYIOOC win­ners the atten­tion and com­mer­cial suc­cesses they deserve” Cord said. These are the true stars of the food world, and they need to be rec­og­nized and rewarded for their tal­ent, ded­i­ca­tion and the extra­or­di­nary prod­uct they pro­vide for us.”

At the same time, peo­ple are con­fused about olive oil and they want to know where to find brands they can trust to deliver the qual­ity they pay for. That’s why retail­ers, dis­trib­u­tors, chefs and con­sumers through­out the world use the list of NYIOOC win­ners as a buy­ing guide.

A press con­fer­ence announc­ing the results of the com­pe­ti­tion will be broad­cast live at 6:00 PM (22:00 UTC) on April 15th through the NYIOOC web­site and syn­di­cated through inter­na­tional media chan­nels.

The announce­ment of the results will cap an all-day con­fer­ence at the International Culinary Center (ICC) in New York’s Soho neigh­bor­hood which will explore the cul­tural con­text of olive oil and pre­dic­tions for its future.” Speakers at the con­fer­ence will include the fash­ion designer Norma Kamali, Lionsgate Entertainment founder and phil­an­thropist Frank Giustra, Oldways pres­i­dent Sara Baer-Sinnott, ICC founder Dorothy Cann-Hamilton, Boundary Bend CEO Rob McGavin, chefs Paul Bartolotta and María José San Román, and many oth­ers.

A few remain­ing tick­ets to the event are still avail­able on the event web­site.


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