`Turks Import Olive Oil to Satisfy Local Demand - Olive Oil Times


Turks Import Olive Oil to Satisfy Local Demand

By Isabel Putinja
Feb. 15, 2015 14:02 UTC

Turkish olive oil com­pa­nies are import­ing olive oil from abroad to make up for short­ages in the domes­tic mar­ket.

The Turkish brand Komili, which pro­duces dif­fer­ent types of oil for the Turkish con­sumer mar­ket, includ­ing extra vir­gin olive oil, is one com­pany which is import­ing olive oil from other coun­tries, mainly Tunisia.

The price of Turkish olive oil has con­tin­ued to climb to the cur­rent price of 12 Turkish Lira ($4.88) per kilo­gram. However, domes­tic pro­duc­ers are still hold­ing off sell­ing their stocks in hopes that the price will con­tinue to increase in response to high world­wide demand given the poor har­vests in Spain and Italy and the over­all decline in world olive oil pro­duc­tion.

Cahit Çetin, head of Tariş Olive and Olive Oil Association, a Turkish coop­er­a­tive orga­ni­za­tion with more than 28,000 olive oil pro­duc­ers as mem­bers, told the Turkish daily news­pa­per Hürriyet that there are no state poli­cies to reg­u­late the mar­ket and that Turkey faces steep increases and decreases in prices when any­thing wrong hap­pens in the world,” hence the volatile sit­u­a­tion faced by the sec­tor in the past few months.

Çetin added that Turkey needs to adopt good mar­ket­ing strate­gies to pro­mote its olive and olive oil prod­ucts and sup­port pro­duc­ers in order to main­tain the olive oil sec­tor.”

During this past crop year, Turkey was the fourth largest pro­ducer, with 16.7 per­cent of global olive oil pro­duc­tion.

While domes­tic olive oil com­pa­nies are import­ing from abroad, some Turkish olive oil is slated for export, notably to India.


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