`More than 800 to Compete in New York International Olive Oil Competition - Olive Oil Times
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More than 800 to Compete in New York International Olive Oil Competition

By Olive Oil Times Staff
Mar. 1, 2016 09:23 UTC

The world’s largest and most pres­ti­gious olive oil com­pe­ti­tion will be big­ger than ever this year with more than 800 brands from 27 coun­tries com­pet­ing next month for the cov­eted Silver, Gold and Best in Class awards.

The fourth annual New York International Olive Oil Competition (NYIOOC), which will be held in New York City April 11 – 14, will reveal the olive oils judged, by an inter­na­tional panel of top experts, to be the world’s best for 2016. The results will be announced dur­ing a press con­fer­ence streamed live at 5:30 Eastern (UTC ‑5) on Thursday, April 14.

That there are so many pro­duc­ers striv­ing for excel­lence is hum­bling.- Curtis Cord, NYIOOC

Organizers said the record-break­ing num­ber of entries was a result of a good over­all har­vest sea­son and the unequiv­o­cal advan­tages for brands who man­age to win an award at the NYIOOC. Now, more than ever, there is a need to iden­tify and cel­e­brate the world’s best extra vir­gin olive oils,” said Curtis Cord, the NYIOOC founder and pres­i­dent. That there are so many pro­duc­ers striv­ing for excel­lence is hum­bling.”
See Also:New York International Olive Oil Competition
Winners of the NYIOOC are pre­sented on the pop­u­lar Best Olive Oils guide (bestoliveoils.org), the author­i­ta­tive list­ing used by chefs, food buy­ers and dis­cern­ing con­sumers who value extra vir­gin olive oils of the very high­est qual­ity.

NYIOOC and Olive Oil Times recently devel­oped a pair­ing app that iden­ti­fies the best award-win­ning oils to match with cer­tain foods. Since its launch in January, the app has been used more than half a mil­lion times. The team is cur­rently devel­op­ing a mobile app that will allow users to scan any bot­tle of olive oil to view its qual­ity pro­file.

And per­haps even more to the point, NYIOOC says it will soon unveil a Buy Now” but­ton on the Best Olive Oils guide list­ings pow­ered by a new plat­form, the Best Olive Oils Marketplace, which will allow mer­chants — retail­ers and dis­trib­u­tors — to sell NYIOOC win­ners directly through the high­est-traf­fic olive oil web­sites in the world. We will be com­ing full-cir­cle,” said Cord. Not only will we reveal the year’s best olive oils, we will be get­ting them in kitchens.”


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